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19. [Q.] Who are the sinners indulging in such violence ?
[Ans.] Saukarik (one who hunts pig), Matsyabandhak ( those who do fishing to kill them), baheliyas (bird hunters) and hunters of deer are the various types of sinners engaged in sinful activities. Kroorakarma (one engaged in cruel activities), Vrigarik (those who move about in order to hunt deer by catching them in the net and also take the help of leopard and the like for this purpose). They keep rope or sling-shot to tie deer. They use small boats to catch fish. They use meat or kneaded floor at the tip of sharp thorny substance to catch fish. They also use iron net, coconut rope and net to catch eagle. They keep cages to catch leopards and tie a goat at a particular place to attract it. They keep with them all the above said material and wander about in search of their prey.
There are rogues, bird-hunters, bhils and foresters who keep hawk and net for hunting, those who kill bees to collect honey or meat and also those who kill chics of birds. Some move about with a doe in order to attract deer. Some drain out tanks, lake, small collection of water in order to procure fishes and conch-shells. Some get these reservoirs dried up for the said purpose. Some serve poison or substance mixed with poison. Some brutally burn green grass. All such people are termed as those engaged in dreadful profession.
हिंसा करने वाली जातियाँ TRIBES ENGAGED IN VIOLENCE
२०. इमे य बहवे मिलक्खुजाई ।
[प्र. ] के ते ?
[ उ. ] सक- जवण - सबर - बब्बर - गाय-- - मुरुंडोद - भडग - तित्तिय - पक्कणिय - कुलक्ख - गोडसीहल - पारस - कोचंध - दविल- बिल्लल - पुलिंद - अरोस - डोंब - पोक्कण - गंधहारग - बहलीय - जल्लरोम - मास - बउस - मलया-चुंचुया य चूलिया कोंकणगा - मेत्त - पण्हव - मालव- महुर - आभासियअणक्ख - चीण-लासिय-खस - खासिया - नेहुर - मरहट्ठ - मुट्ठिय - आरब - डोबिलग - कुहण - केकय-हूणरोमग-स 1- रुरु - मरुया - चिलायविसयवासी य पावमइणो ।
२०. उनके अतिरिक्त ये बहुती-सी म्लेच्छ जातियाँ भी हैं, जो प्राणी हिंसा में संलग्न रहती हैं। [प्र. ] वे (जातियाँ) कौन-सी हैं ?
[उ.] शक, यवन, शबर, बब्बर, काय, मुरुड, उद, भडक, तित्तिक, पक्कणिक, कुलाक्ष, गौड़, सिंहल, पारस, क्रौंच, आन्ध्र, द्रविड़, बिल्वल, पुलिंद, आरोष, डौंब, पोकण, गान्धार (कंधारवासी), बहलीक, जल्ल, रोम, मास, बकुश, मलय, चुंचुक, चूलिक, कोंकण, मेद, पण्हव, मालव, महुर,
श्रु. १, प्रथम अध्ययन हिंसा आश्रव
Jain Education International
Sh.1, First Chapter: Violence Aasrava
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