के अस्तित्व को नहीं मानते, तो फिर इनकी वेदना कैसे जानेंगे ? वे अज्ञानी जन न पृथ्वीकाय को जानते हैं, न पृथ्वीकाय के आश्रित रहे अन्य स्थावरों एवं त्रस जीवों को जानते हैं। उन्हें जलकायिक तथा जल में रहने वाले अन्य त्रस-स्थावर जीवों का ज्ञान नहीं है। उन्हें अग्निकाय, वायुकाय, तण तथा (अन्य) वनस्पतिकाय के एवं इनके आधार पर रहे हुए अन्य जीवों का परिज्ञान नहीं है। ये प्राणी उन्हीं (पृथ्वीकाय आदि) के स्वरूप वाले, उन्हीं के आधार से जीवित रहने वाले अथवा उन्हीं का आहार करने वाले हैं।
उन जीवों का वर्ण, गंध, रस, स्पर्श और शरीर अपने आश्रयभूत पृथ्वी, जल आदि के सदृश होता है। उनमें से कई जीव नेत्रों से दिखाई नहीं देते हैं और कोई-कोई दिखाई देते हैं। ऐसे असंख्य त्रसकायिक जीवों की तथा अनन्त सूक्ष्म, बादर, प्रत्येकशरीर और साधारणशरीर वाले स्थावरकाय के जीवों की जानबूझकर या अनजाने इन (आगे कहे जाने वाले) कारणों से हिंसा करते हैं।
12. For the above said and many other purposes, the ignorant bad people who lack discrimination, hunt mobile living beings including twosensed, three-sensed, four-sensed and five-sensed living beings. During this process they kill many one-sensed living beings and mobile beings having subtle body who are dependent on them.
Such living beings have no means for their safety. They are orphans. They have no friends or relatives to help them. They are bound in chains by the fruit of their misdeeds. The persons who have polluted mind or whose intellect is dormant, they do no believe in existence of life in such beings. So how can they realise the feeling of pain. Such persons lacking true knowledge do not understand earth-bodied living beings and the other mobile and immobile living beings dependant on them. They have no knowledge about water-bodied beings and the other mobile and immobile to creatures living in water. They have no knowledge of firebodied, air-bodied and plant-bodied beings and the other living beings dependant on these. Such living beings are by nature of the same type as earth-bodied and other bodied living beings. They are dependant on them for their life. In other words, they use them for their diet. ___The colour, smell, taste, touch and the body of such living beings are identical to the earth, water and the like on which they depend. Many such creatures are not visible while some are visible to the naked eye. Human beings cause death of innumerable mobile living beings and infinite subtle, gross, separate bodied and common bodied immobile living beings intentionally or inadvertantly for various reasons (that are going to the narrated in following paragraphs).
श्रु.१, प्रथम अध्ययन : हिंसा आश्रय
Sh.1, First Chapter: Violence Aasrava
Jain Education International
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