time. Many other faults are likely to arise due to the habit of storage. One can be slack if he collects food more than his actual need. If he brings tasty food more in quantity and keeps, it in store, he shall lose control over his sense of taste. So a monk should not store any food article. It is compulsory for every monk of the order.
१५८. जं पि य उद्दिट्ठ-ठविय-रइयग-पज्जवजायं पकिणं पाउयरण-पामिच्चं मीसगजायं कीयगडं पाहुडं च दाणट्ठपुण्णपगडं समणवणीमगट्ठयाए वा कयं पच्छाकम्मं पुरेकम्मं णिइकम्मं मक्खियं 卐 अइरितं मोहरं चेव सयंगाहमाहडं मट्टिउवलितं, अच्छेज्जं चेव अणीसटें जं तं तिहिसु जण्णेसु उस्सवेसु य + अंतो वा बहिं वा होज्ज समणट्ठयाए टवियं हिंसासावजसंपउत्तं ण कप्पइ तं पि य परिघेत्तुं।
१५८. तथा जो आहार साधु के लिये बनाया गया हो, अलग से रखा गया हो, चूरे को लड्डू जैसा रच कर साधु के लिये तैयार किया हो, पर्यवजात हो, प्रकीर्ण, प्रादुष्करण, प्रामित्य, मिश्रजात, क्रीतकृत, 5 प्राभृत दोष वाला हो, जो दान के लिए या पुण्य के लिए बनाया गया हो, जो पाँच प्रकार के श्रमणों
अथवा भिखारियों को देने के लिए तैयार किया गया हो, जो पश्चात्कर्म अथवा पुरःकर्म दोष से दूषित फ़ हो, जो नित्यकर्म-दूषित हो, जो प्रक्षित, अतिरिक्त मौखर, स्वयंग्राह अथवा आहृत हो, मृत्तिकोपलिप्त,
आच्छेद्य, अनिसृष्ट हो अथवा जो आहार मदनत्रयोदशी आदि विशिष्ट तिथियों में यज्ञ और महोत्सवों में, ॐ उपाश्रय के भीतर या बाहर साधुओं को देने के लिए रखा हो, जो हिंसा-सावद्य दोष से युक्त हो, ऐसा
भी आहार साधु को लेना नहीं कल्पता है। $ 158. Further, the food that is uddeshak-the one specifically for the
monk; it is kept for some monk (Sthapit); it is rachit-changed into another form for the purpose of offering it to the monk; all such food is prohibited for a monk.
Further the offered food is paryawajaat-connected into another form for offering it to the monk. It is prakeern—is being offered while it is
dripping on the ground. It is pradushkarm-kept in the dark and is Si offered by bringing it in light. It is pramitya-taken on credit for the $ purpose of a monk. It is mishrajaat-prepared jointly for monk and the
householder. It is kreetakrit-prepared for the monk after purchasing it.
It is prabhrit-served to the monk after adding fuel to the fire or after 5 taking out fuel from the burning fire. Such is the faulty food. The food $1 may be pashatakarmfaulty due to paschakarm activity after its offer
or faulty due to the act immediately prior to its being offered. It may be
faulty due to nityakarm-offered out of food which is prepared for 4 charity for collecting merit by offering to five types of monks, (namely
श्री प्रश्नव्याकरण सूत्र
Shri Prashna Vyakaran Sutra
Jain Education International
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