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सर्वप्रथम हिंसा आस्रव के सम्बन्ध में निम्नलिखित विषयों पर प्रकाश डाला जायेगा(9) PET Brea Fatey PT? (२) उसके क्या-क्या नाम हैं, जिनसे उसके विविध रूपों का परिज्ञान हो सके ? (३) हिंसारूप आस्रव किस प्रकार से किया जाता है ? (४) वह आस्रव किस प्रकार का कटु फल प्रदान करता है? () ott Tu Jia- anta?
Elaboration–The sentiments and the activities, which result in inflow of atoms of dirty karmic matter in the soul are called Aasrava.
In order to enable one to understand Aasrava properly, the example of boats floating on the sea is quoted. In case holes develop in the boat, the sea-water slowly enters the boat. As a result there comes a stage when the boat starts sinking.
Similarly the worldly ocean of life, death and re-birth is full of water in the form of harmful Karmic matter. The soul in the form of boat floats in that sea. When the soul engages itself in thought activity coloured with violence, falsehood, stealing, non-chastity or attachment for worldly things, holes develop in the boat representing soul and through those holes the demerit Karmas start entering the soul just as water enters the boat. Due to the heavy load of water in the form of Karmas, the soul represented by the boat starts sinking in the worldly ocean.
Asrava is like holes. If there are holes in a boat, water entersit. In the same way violence causes entry of pain-causing karmas in the soul. These holes that allow entry of Karmas in the soul are called Aasrava.
The holes are plugged with meritorious thought activity in the form of non-violence (ahimsa), truth and the like; plugging the holes is called Samvar.
According to Tattvarth Sutra, Aasrava is of five types-(i) Wrong perception (mithyatva), (2) non-restraint (avirati), (3) slackness (pramaad), (4) passions (kashaya), and (5) activities of body, speech and mind (yoga). In another context Aasrava is stated to be of twenty types.
Among the three verses mentioned above, the author has mentioned in the first verse that the reverend Tirthankars shall explain here Aasrava and Samvar in a comprehensive manner.
One who clearly understands Aasrava—the cause of inflow of Karma, and Samvar-the cause of stoppage of the inflow, properly, he shall in reality understand the very secret of the philosophy of the omniscient.
श्रु.१, प्रथम अध्ययन : हिंसा आश्रव
Sh.1, First Chapter: Violence Aasrava
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