555555555555555 Hi generates hatred. It does not allow one to remain firm in truth. So the 卐 person who practices truth, should be fearless.
Fifth sentiment is avoidance of laughter. It is detrimental both to the major and minor vow of truth. The talk based on facts and is in simple manner does not take the form of laughter or mockery. Truth has to deform itself to create laughter. One has to speak in a self-created form. One has to conceal the virtues of the other and expose the faults. In other words one cannot resort to laughter or mockery without wholly or 55 partly keeping the truth in the background and taking the support of falsehood. It adversely affects the vow of truth and causes pain to other.
So one should avoid the nature of laughter in order to safely practice the 卐 vow of truth.
A person who is by nature resorting to mockery (laughter) and 4 simultaneously he practices austerities; in case he takes re-birth as a ki god due to his practice of austerities, he shall be a god of very low status. + It is mentioned in Bhagavati Sutra (1/2) that a monk indulging in
laughter is not reborn in divine realms higher than Saudharma. Even 5 there he is considered untouchable by other gods or as a servant. He 4i does not become god of high status. Laughter even destroys acquired
Avadhi Jnana. Thus the nature of laughter turns the auspicious result into an insignificant one.
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१२७. एवमिणं संवरस्स दारं सम्मं संवरियं होइ सुप्पणिहियं, इमेहिं पंचहिं वि कारणेहिं मण-वयण-काय-परिरक्खिएहिं णिच्चं आमरणंतं च एस जोगो णेयव्यो धिइमया मइमया अणासवो 5 अकलुसो अच्छिद्दो अपरिस्सावी असंकिलिट्ठो सवजिणमणुण्णाओ।
१२७. इस प्रकार यह संवर का सत्य रूप द्वार, मन वचन और काया तीनों की सब प्रकार से रक्षा म करने वाली इन पांच कारण रूप भावनाओं से सम्यक् प्रकार से संवृत्त-आचरित एवं अच्छी तरह से है
दिल दिमाग में स्थापित हो जाता है। अतएव धैर्यवान तथा बुद्धिमान साधक को चाहिए कि वह आस्रव ॐ का निरोध करने वाले, निर्मल (अकलुष), निश्छिद्र-कर्म-जल के प्रवेश को रोकने वाले, कर्मबन्ध के
प्रवाह से रहित, संक्लेश का अभाव करने वाले एवं समस्त तीर्थंकरों द्वारा आज्ञापित इस योग को 5 निरन्तर जीवनपर्यन्त आचरण में उतारे। ___127. Thus by practicing properly and meticulously all the five sentiments mentally, vocally and physically, this major vow of truth-the
Shri Prashna Vyakaran Sutra
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