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The first sentiment of the major vow of truth is Anuvichi Samiti. In 45 the Sarvarthsiddhi commentary of Tattvarth Sutra, it has been interpreted as not to use language that is sinful—to use language free from sin. In Tattvarth Bhashya also the same term has been used for the first sentiment. So it should be understood that while speaking with proper contemplation one should avoid the other faults also relating to language.
In order to practice major vow of Truth faultlessly, it is essential to totally subdue anger. Anger wipes out the faculty of discrimination. It turns one mad for some time. In a fit of rage one loses the power of distinguishing truth and untruth. He then utters false. It can be said that whatever is uttered in extreme influence of anger, it is certainly false. So in order to safeguard the major vow of truth, one should avoid anger. It is essential to have the nature of remaining cool (free from anger).
The third contemplation is to discard greed. In the aphorism the disadvantages due to greed have been discussed in detail. In scriptures, greed is termed as destroyer of all good qualities. When a person is in the grip of greed, it does not remain difficult for him to do any bad deed. 4 So the person who wants to meticulously safeguard his vow of truth, he should practice non-greediness. He should not have a sense of greed for any substance.
Fourth contemplation is avoiding fear. Fear is the greatest weakness of a man. It is the particle of poison hidden in his head which turns him coward, weak frightened, incapable and lifeless. Fear is that demon which dries up the entire potentiality of a man, fear is that behaviour which makes one to think about himself that he is worthless, useless and insignificant. The author has stated that the ghosts overpower a frightened person. Many times fear itself turns into a ghost and the man kneels down before it.
A man develops many types of fear in his mind such as that of illness, diseases, old age and death. In the aphorism, it has been directed that one should not have fear of illness.
In brief, the state of fear is an obstacle in the generation of the power of soul. It districts courage. It destroys the state of equanimity. It și
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श्रु.२, द्वितीय अध्ययन : सत्य संवर
( 317 )
Sh.2, Second Chapter: Truth Samvar
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