परिग्रह का वास्तविक स्वरूप प्रकाशित करने के लिए शास्त्रकार ने उसे 'अणंतं असरणं दुरंतं' कहने के साथ म 'अधुवमणिच्चं, असासयं, पावकम्मणेम्म, विणासमूलं, वहबंधपरिकिलेसबहुलं, अणंतसंकिलेसकारणं, * सव्वदुक्खसंनिलयणं' इत्यादि विशेषणों द्वारा परिग्रह की व्यापकता, अस्थिरता और सब प्रकार के अनर्थों व पापों 卐 का मूल कारण बताया है।
परिग्रह से उत्पन्न होने वाले विविध प्रकार के मानसिक संक्लेश शारीरिक यातनाएँ अनुभवसिद्ध हैं और समग्र लोक इनका साक्षी है। अतएव शास्त्रकार ने परिग्रह को अनन्त संक्लेश का कारण कहा है।
अन्तिम पाठ में शास्त्रकार यही बताते हैं कि परिग्रह की सीमा अनन्त है। इसको सीमित करने के लिए + सन्तोष और विरक्ति की जरूरत है। जिसने परिग्रह त्याग कर विरति ले ली वही लोभरूपी महाशत्रु को जीतता है और सभी प्रकार के दुःखों से मुक्त होता है।
Elaboration-The present lesson clearly indicates that like non-.. 5 chastity, attachment also has kept the living beings in this mundane
world in its grip. Even the gods of high categories who have desired means of enjoyment and who are capable of creating the things they like with their fluid power, are bound in the chains of attachment. Among the human beings Chakravarti is the ruler of all the six parts of Bharat or Airavat. He has 16,000 gods at his service. He also remains always not fully satisfied due to his attachment for wealth and the family.
In order to indicate the real nature of parigraha, the author has called it 'Anant Asarnam durantam' and also 'adhuvamanichcham, asasyam, pavakammanemam,
vinasamulam, vahabandhparikilesabahulam,
anantsankilesakaranam, savvadukhasannilayanam'. With these characteristics he has brought home that attachment (parigraha) is the fundamental cause of all the sins and misfortunes and that it is prevalent all over and keeps one restless.
One experiences the mental distress and physical troubles as a result of this attachment. The entire world is witness to it. So it is mentioned in scriptures that parigraha is the cause of mundane troubles.
In the last aphorism, the author has mentioned that there is no limit to attachment. Contentment and detachment are essential to bring it within limits only then a person can conquer his great enemy, the greed. He then becomes liberated of all troubles.
श्री प्रश्नव्याकरण सूत्र
Shri Prashna Vyakaran Sutra
Jain Education International
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