4444444444444444444444444444444455 456 455 456 457 458 454 455 456 45 44 445 446 44
24545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545452 15 relating to women for taking pleasure and enjoying their looks, words,
fragrance, taste and touch. They feel satisfied only in collecting money. $ Such people are caught by state officials. Although they underwent si
tortures earlier, yet they do not understand the result of their condemnable deeds.
The state officials, the security guards and the policemen are well educated in the texts relating to tortures to criminals. They know the depth of such tortures. They are expert in arresting thieves who have committed grave crimes. They immediately locate who is the thief or the person prone to sex. They take bribe hundred times. They are expert in catching the thief and getting the sin accepted by them through deceitful means. Such as telling lies, crooked behaviour or posing in different dress. They are adept in spying. They (thieves) are then produced before such state officials who are engaged in activities leading to hell, who care a fig for the next life and who make hundreds of false speeches.
The said state officials take the charge of those criminals who have been awarded capital punishment. They are brought at three-way i crossings, four-way crossings, highways, streets, bazaars, temples and
other suchlike common places and made to stand there. Then they are given thrashing with cane, sticks, stones, long rods, earthen lumps, special types of sticks (panolli), fists, legs, creepers, knees and elbows. Thus their limbs are broken. Their body is trampled. __विवेचन : प्रस्तुत पाठ में चोरी रूप, पापकर्म के मूल में निम्न कारण बताये गये हैं
(१) इस पाप-प्रवृत्ति का प्रथम मूल कारण अपनी इन्द्रियों को वश में न रखना है। इन्द्रियों की गुलामी ही चोरी का प्रेरक कारण है।
(2) CHRT CUT - 789 Tali
Elaboration-In this aphorism, the following basic causes for committing theft have been mentioned :
(1) The first basic cause is not to keep one's senses under control or to become slave of senses. It inspires one to commit theft.
(2) The second cause is to have greed for the money belonging to others.
___७४. अट्ठारसकम्मकारणा जाइयंगमंगा कलुणा सुक्कोट्टकंठ-गलग-तालु-जीहा जायंता पाणीयं + विगय-जीवियासा तण्हाइया वरागा तं वि य ण लभंति वज्झपुरिसेहिं धाडियंता। तत्थ य खर
444 445 446 45 44 45 46 47 454 455 456 454 455 456 454 455 456 41 $ $ $1$$$
श्रु.१, तृतीय अध्ययन : अदत्तादान आश्रव
( 155 )
Sh.1, Third Chapter : Stealing Aasrava
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