enjoyment. They do not worry about its bad consequences. They do not
have knowledge about the dreadful result. So the author has stated that Hi the result of falsehood is so harsh and dreadful that even after suffering!
after a long period in hell and in animal state, one is not able to wipe it off completely. Due to the residual karma, when such a person takes birth as a human being, his condition there also is extremely sad. He y remains poor, unlucky seeking mercy. He remains devoid of means of enjoyment. Even from the point of view of physical structure he remains sick and subject of hatred and contempt.
Falsehood is expressed through speech. So the talk of such as person is indistinct and unpleasant to the ears as is of a crow. When he speaks, y it is disliked by every one, nobody has any interest in it. Many such person are born dumb. फलविपाक की भयंकरता DREADFULNESS OF CONSEQUENCES
५९. (क) एसो सो अलियवयणस्स फलविवाओ इहलोइओ परलोइओ अप्पसुहो बहुदुक्खो महन्भओ बहुरयप्पगाढो दारुणो कक्कओ असाओ वास-सहस्सेहिं मुच्चइ, ण अवेयइत्ता अत्थि हु, मोक्खोत्ति। ___ एवमाहंसु णायकुलणंदणो महप्पा जिणो उ वीरवरणामधेज्जो कहेसि य अलियवयणस्स फलविवागं।।
५९. (क) मृषावाद का यह (पूर्वोक्त) इस लोक और परलोक सम्बन्धी फलविपाक है। इस फलविपाक में सुख का अभाव है और दुःखों की ही बहुलता है। यह अत्यन्त भयानक है और प्रगाढ़ कर्मों के बन्ध का कारण है। यह दारुण है और असातारूप है। हजारों-हजारों वर्षों में इससे छुटकारा, मिलता है। फल को भोगे बिना इस पाप से मुक्ति नहीं मिलती-इसका फल भोगना ही पड़ता है।
ज्ञातकुलनन्दन, महान् आत्मा वीरवर महावीर नामक जिनेश्वर देव ने मृषावाद का यह फल : प्रतिपादित किया है।
59 (a). This is the result of falsehood in the current life-span and in y the next life. There is absence of happiness in it, and the troubles are in y abundance. It is extremely dreadful. It is the cause of thick bondage of ! karmas. It is very troublesome and harsh. One has to bear its sad result for thousands of years. This sin cannot be removed without passing through its consequences. One has to suffer its fruits.
Lord Mahavir who was born in Jnatri clan has mentioned these consequences of falsehood.
श्री प्रश्नव्याकरण सूत्र
Shri Prashna Vyakaran Sutra
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