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They ask them why the servants, employees, partners, pupils, workers, people of their own family are sitting idle and why don't you get work from them. They advise them to pay them off. They ask them to get work done from the said employees. They advise them to set thick forest, unploughed land that has grass on it, on fire. They counsel them to get cut or pulled the grass. They ask them to get cut the trees for preparing various machines or vehicles. They advise them to crush seasame-seeds, and get oil from it.
They advise them to set brick-kiln on fire for getting bricks to construct house. They ask them to plough fields or get them ploughed. They ask them to get village, town or colony inhabited soon. They ask them to get villages with large boundaries settled. They tell them that it is the right time to pluck and collect flowers and fruits and that they should collect Kands and mools (the vegetables that have infinite number of living beings). They suggest that such things should be stored for relatives. They advise them to harvest paddy, barley and other crops, winnow them and to procure grains out of them by separating the husk from the corn. They ask them to store grains soon.
विवेचन : प्रस्तुत पाठ में यह प्रतिपादन किया गया है कि विवेकविहीन जन किसी के पूछने पर अथवा न पछने पर भी. अपने स्वार्थ के लिए अथवा बिना स्वार्थ भी केवल अपनी चतरता. व्यवहारकशलता और प्रौढता प्रकट करने के लिए दूसरों को ऐसा आदेश-उपदेश दिया करते हैं, जिससे अनेक प्राणियों को पीड़ा उपजे, परिताप पहुँचे, उनकी हिंसा हो, विविध प्रकार का आरम्भ-समारम्भ हो।
सर्वविरति के आराधक साधु-साध्वी तो ऐसे वचनों का प्रयोग कभी नहीं करते हैं, किन्तु देशविरति के आराधक श्रावकों एवं श्राविकाओं को भी ऐसे निरर्थक वाद से सदैव बचने की सावधानी रखनी चाहिए।
Elaboration In the present lesson it has been mentioned that the persons who do not have sense of discrimination advise on one's asking and sometimes even without asking for their selfish purpose and even without such a purpose simply to exhibit their expertise in worldly behaviour and experience that they should engage in such activities which cause violence to living beings in different forms.
Monks and nuns never use such a language, as they have totally discarded worldly activities, which cause violence to any living beings. Even household followers of religious discipline (Shravaks) observing vows of the householder should always avoid suchlike useless talk.
श्रु.१, द्वितीय अध्ययन : मृषावाद आश्रय
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Sh.1, Second Chapter: Falsehood Aasrava
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