55. Some people provide Yantras in writing for killing, enticing, bewildering others. They give yantra for catching birds and animals. They use herbs for preparing medicines for abortion. They create terror or hatred in the town with mantras. They tell methods of collecting or usurping money through mantras. They use mantra and medicines to enslave others. They educate people in art of stealing, sex and other suchlike sinful activities. They tell the methods of reducing the strength of the army of the enemy through deceitful means or that of crushing it. They tell methods of setting forest on fire, of drying tanks and other water resources, of destroying villages and of adversely affecting the field of intellect. They tell methods of creating fear, disturbance and trouble to others and also of overpowering others. Such yantras, mantras and words fall in the category of falsehood since they result in trouble and violence to the living beings.
विवेचन : उक्त वर्णन का सार यही है कि सत्यवादी की वाणी अमृतमयी और सबका कल्याण करने वाली होनी चाहिए। उससे किसी का अकल्याण व अहित न हो। ___ इस तथ्य को अधिक स्पष्ट करने के लिए सूत्रकार ने प्राणियों का उपघात करने वाली भाषा का विवरण भी दिया है। यथा-मंत्र, तन्त्र, यन्त्र आदि के प्रयोग बतलाकर किसी का अनिष्ट करना, चोरी एवं परस्त्रीगमन सम्बन्धी उपाय बतलाना, ग्रामघात की विधि बतलाना, जंगल को जलाने का उपदेश देना आदि। ऐसे समस्त वचन हिंसोत्तेजक अथवा हिंसाजनक होने के कारण विवेकवान् पुरुषों के लिए त्याज्य हैं।
Elaboration --The essence of the above description is that the language of followers of truth should be sweat and for the welfare of every one. There should not be any element of disaster in it for any one.
In order to further clarify this fact, the author has mentioned in detail the language that causes violence to living beings. For instance to cause harm to others by telling suchlike mantra and yantras, to tell methods of stealing or engaging in sex, to tell methods of destroying villages, setting forest on fire-all such words which cause violence, inspire violence should be totally avoided by followers of truth and discrimination.
५६. पुट्ठा वा अपुट्ठा वा परतत्तियवावडा य असमिक्खियभासिणो उवदिसंति, सहसा उट्टा गोणा गवया दमंतु, परिणयवया अस्सा हत्थी गवेलग-कुक्कुडा य किजंतु, किणावेह य विक्केह पहय य सयणस्स देह पियह।
दासी-दास-भयग-भाइल्लगा य सिस्सा य पेसगजणो कम्मकरा य किंकरा य एए सयणपरिजणो य
श्रु.१, द्वितीय अध्ययन : मृषावाद आश्रय
Sh.1, Second Chapter: Falsehood Aasrava
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