In the original text 'Pavakamm Moolam Dudditham dussuyam amuniyam' has been mentioned. These words are worthy to be considered attentively. It means it is also falsehood to express one's opinion about an event which one has not clearly seen, about which one has not heard from a reliable person and about which one has not properly collected proper facts. This falsehood is the root of the sin.
The word Parmatthabhajagam in the text indicates that the word or phrase which is against the path of liberation should not be used by lover of truth. He should also not use such words which are altered in a crooked manner, which are shameful and which are disliked or hated by the common people.
असत्यवादी : उभय- घातक FALSEHOOD DUAL HARM
५३. अलियाहिसंधि-सण्णिविट्ठा असंतगुणुदीरया य संतगुणणासगा य हिंसाभूओवघाइयं अलियं संपउत्ता वयणं सावज्जमकुसलं साहुगरहणिज्जं अहम्मजणणं भणंति, अणभिगय - पुण्णपावा पुणो वि अहिगरण - किरिया - पवत्तगा बहुविहं अणत्थं अवमद्दं अप्पणो परस्स य करेंति ।
५३. जो लोग मिथ्या अभिप्राय - आशय से प्रेरित हैं, जो अविद्यमान गुणों की उदीरणा करने वाले, किसी में गुण नहीं हैं, फिर भी उसमें बताते हैं, विद्यमान गुणों के नाशक हैं- दूसरों में मौजूद गुणों को आच्छादित करते हैं, हिंसा करके प्राणियों को कष्ट पहुँचाते हैं, जो असत्य भाषण करते हैं, ऐसे लोग सावद्य-पापमय, अहितकारी, सत्पुरुषों द्वारा गर्हित और अधर्मजनक वचनों का प्रयोग करते हैं। ऐसे मनुष्य पुण्य और पाप के स्वरूप से अनभिज्ञ होते हैं। वे पुनः अधिकरणों अर्थात् पाप वृद्धि साधनों में शस्त्रनिर्माण आदि पापोत्पादक उपादानों को बनाने, जुटाने, जोड़ने आदि की क्रिया में प्रवृत्ति करने वाले हैं, वे अपना और दूसरों का अनेक प्रकार से अनर्थ और विनाश करते हैं।
53. Persons who are influenced by false notion, who depict such qualities which actually do not exist in the person concerned, who proclaim that there are good qualities in a person inspite of their absence, who conceal the good qualities of others, who cause violence to the living beings by troubling them, who make false statements; such people use contemptuous, sinful, immoral words which are disliked by the cultured, truth-speaking people. Such human beings are ignorant about the nature of merit and demerit. They again engage themselves in such activities, which increase the growth of sin. They manufacture weapons and other suchlike destructive products or indulge in assembling suchlike things. They cause harm and destruction of themselves and others in many ways.
श्रु. १, द्वितीय अध्ययन मृषावाद आश्रव
Jain Education International
(107) Sh. 1, Second Chapter: Falsehood Aasrava
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