anyone because the words, which cause pain to others, are not considered true even if they relate factual position.
A person who utters false words becomes subject of non-praise and disrespect. He develops enmity with those whom he has deceived by making false statement. Sometimes this inimical relationship continues for many lives. In case a false person has even the slightest element of respect for truth in him, on making a false statement he repents in his mind. The person who is cheated mentally feels disturbed.
A false person has to adopt many types of conjunctives in order to prove that he is trustworthy. He has to take shelter of deceit and nonstraight forwardness.
As a result of falsehood one takes re-birth in demerit state of existence. His wandering in the cycle of birth and death in the mundane world increases. Howsoever hard a false speaking person may try to conceal falsehood, it ultimately reveals. After the truth appears, one shall no longer believe even the true statement of that person. He loses his trustworthiness.
By using the word 'Parpeedakaragam' the author has pointed out that falsehood is a type of violence. मृषावाद के नामान्तर SYNONYMS OF FALSEHOOD
४५. तस्स य णामाणि गोण्णाणि होति तीसं । तं जहा
१. अलियं, २. सलं, ३. अणज्जं, ४. मायामोसो, ५. असंतगं, ६. कूडकवडमवत्थुगं च, ७. णिरत्थयमवत्थयं च, ८. विद्देसगरहणिज्जं, ९. अणुज्जुगं, १० कक्कणा य, ११. वंचणा य, १२. मिच्छापच्छाकडं च, १३. साई उ, १४. उच्छण्णं, ११. उक्कूलं च, १६. अट, १७. अब्भक्खाणं च, १८. किविसं, १९. वलयं, २०. गहणं च, २१. मम्मणं च, २२. णूमं, २३. णिययी, २४. अपच्चओ, २५. असमओ. २६. असच्चसंधत्तणं, २७. विवक्खो, २८. अवहीयं, २९. उवहिअसुद्धं, ३०. अवलोवोत्ति।
अवि य तस्स एयाणि एवमाइयाणि णामधेज्जाणि होति तीसं, सावजस्स अलियस्स वइजोगस्स अणेगाई।
४५. उस असत्य के गुणनिष्पन्न अर्थात् सार्थक तीस नाम हैं। वे इस प्रकार हैं(१) अलीक-झूठ, मिथ्यावचन। (२) शट-धूर्त, मायावी जनों द्वारा आचरित। (३) अनार्य (अन्याय्य)-अनार्य पुरुषों का वचन होने से अनार्य है अथवा अन्याययुक्त है।
श्रु.१, द्वितीय अध्ययन : मृषावाद आश्रव
Sh.1, Second Chapter : Falsehood Aasrava
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