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Elaboration-The miseries mentioned in this aphorism are mostly
related to five sensed animals. There are also many four, three, two or one sensed beings. Their miseries will be discussed later.
Human beings have intelligence and commonsense. They are of protecting themselves from heat or cold by employing various But animals are devoid of this ability. They have to suffer many miseries due to the lack of intelligence and absense of the faculty of speech.
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When they feel pangs of hunger or thirst, they helplessly endure it. Sometimes violent parsons catch them, kill them and sell their meat and bones.
Except some domesticated animals, there is no one to provide medical care to reduce the pain of animals.
There are many living beings in the animal state who are by birth inimical to others. They remain continuously in a sense of fear from others. Rabbits, deer and the like are afraid of hunters. Birds are afraid of bird catchers and hunters. Thus animals in a protectionless state always feel frightened.
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Some violent people who take meat and who have wrong perception kill birds and animals in an extremely brutal manner. Animals die while crying because of dreadful suffering. Some low-class people deal in meat. Some persons who are extremely greedy run such an industry wherein millions of animals are mercilessly killed daily. Thus the suffering of animals in extremely unbearable and frightening.
In the same manner, they have to patiently bear other troubles in a state of slavery. They cannot clearly express their pain as they do not have the ability of distinct expression.
३५. मायापि - विप्प ओग - सोय - परिपीलणाणि य सत्यग्गि-विसाभिघाय - गल-गवलावलणमारणाणि य गलजालुच्छिप्पणाणि य पउलण विकप्पणाणि य जावज्जीविगबंधणाणि य, पंजरणिरोहणाणि य सयूहणिग्घाडणाणि य धमणाणि य दोहिणाणि य कुदंडगलबंधणाणि य वाडगपरिवारणाणि य पंकज लणिमज्जणाणि य वारिप्पवेसणाणि य ओवायणिभंग - विसमणिवडणदवग्गिजालदहणाई य।
३६. एयं ते दुक्ख-सय- संपलित्ता णरगाओ आगया इहं सावसेसकम्मा तिरिक्ख- पंचिंदिए सु पाविंति पावकारी कम्माणि पमाय-राग-दोस - बहुसंचियाई अईव अस्साय - कक्कसाई ।
श्रु. १, प्रथम अध्ययन हिंसा आश्रव
३५. (पूर्वोक्त दुःखों के अतिरिक्त तिर्यंचगति में ) इन दुःखों को भी सहन करना पड़ता है-मातापिता का वियोग, शोक से अत्यन्त पीड़ित होना या नासिका आदि श्रोतों- नथुनों आदि के छेदन से पीड़ित होना, शस्त्रों से, अग्नि से और विष से आघात पहुँचना, गले एवं सींगों का मोड़ा जाना, मारा
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Jain Education International
Sh.1, First Chapter: Violence Aasrava
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