जंबूदीवपण्मसिकी प्रस्तावना
291 28 gera gag, ag fedt atyf asrlarat a 3991fa #215, “Besides possessing extension in space and time, matter POSAO8808 inertia. We shall show in due course that inertia, like extension; is expressible in terms of the intervol relation; but that is & development belonging to a later stage of our theory. Meanwhile we give an elementary treatment based on the empirical laws of conservation of momentum and energy rather than any deep-seated theory of the nature of inertia.
For the discussion of space and time we have made use of certain ideal apparatus which can only be imperfectly realized in practice-rigid scales and perfect cyclic mechanisms or clooks, which always remain similar configurations from the absolute point of view. Similarly for the discussion of inertia we require some ideal material object, say a perfectly elastio billiard ball, whose condition as regards inertial properties remains constant from an absolute point of view, The difficulty that actual billiard balls are not perfectly elastic must be surmounted in the same way as the difficulty that sotual scales are not rigid. To the ideal billiard ball we can affix a constant number, called the invariant mass, (proper mass ) which will depote its absolute inertial properties; and this number is supposed to remain unaltered throughout the vicissitudes of its history, or, if temporarily disturbed during a collision, is restored at the times when we have to examine the state of the body."" Tİ, 27 HIT ( invariant mass-m) तथा सापेक्ष मात्रा ( relative mass-M) के विषय में, किये गये प्रयोगों के आधार पर मात्रा को शून्य से उत्पन्न करना तथा मात्रा को शून्य में बदल देना (विनष्ट कर देना) जैसी कल्पनाएं पाठक न बना ले, उसके लिये हम अगला अवतरण पढ़ने के लिये बाध्य करत ह-"It will thus be seen that although in the special problems considered the quantity m is usually supposed to be permanent, its conservation belongs to an altogether different order of ideas from the universal conservation of M.?"
gati, 991 fitog fagan4 $( Point Electron ) ganes Tag *E142, faat faqe À 9C 61 PI, "Accordingly, I am of opinion that the point-electron is no more than a mathematical curiosity, and that the solution ( 78. 6 ) should be limited to values of r greater than a.'', इसके विषय में अभी हम कहने में असमर्थ हैं। निश्चित कार्य हो जाने पर हम निर्धारण करेंगे।
इस प्रकार, आकाश में प्रदेशों की श्रेणियाँ मुख्य रूप से मानकर, विग्रहगति (कर्म निमित्तक योग)
Eddington, The mathematical Theory of Relativity, pp. 29, 30. & Eddington, p. 33
Eddington p. 33.
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