Each chapter again is split up into two daily lessons ( Āhnikas ). But Candrānanda presents a unique departure. In his text, Chapters I-VII have two Ahnikas each while Chapters VIII-X show no such division. This cannot be a mere scribal error. The Sarvadarsanasamgraha attributed to Madhavācārya also seems to give a similar indication. Its table of contents of the Aulukyadarsana gives the subject-matter of the first seven Chapters with specific mention of two Ahnikas in each case. In the last three Chapters, it is silent about mentioning the Ahnikas1. The last two Chapters of the anonymous Vṛtti consulted by us also do not refer to Ahnikas and support Candrānanda in this respect. It may now be concluded that Candrananda followed a tradition which did not divide the last three Chapters into Ahnikas.
C. The Exegetical Problem
We have just shown that the concise and systematic Padarthadharmasamgraha of Pras'astapāda attracted the scholars and the older works based on the Sutras were neglected. It preserved the traditional Vais'eṣika tenets, but exerted a very bad influence upon the Sutras which were not studied with the attention they deserved. The only feeble link between the old sutratradition and the modern commentators seems to be supplied by the Vriti or Vrttis utilised by Candrananda and S'ankara. But S'ankara attaches little importance to the Vetti before him as he says that he had the sutras alone in his hand' (Sūtramātravalambena) when he wrote the Upaskara. As the modern commentators had no regular commentary on these Sutras before them, they had to depend mostly upon their knowledge of other systems of Indian philosophy in order to give some interpretation to the Vaiseṣikasutras.
Thus Sankaramisra in the Upaskara and his followers,
1. आह्निकद्वयात्मके प्रथमाध्याये... आह्निकद्वययुक्ते द्वितीयाध्याये... आह्निकद्वययुक्ते तृतीयाध्याये .... आह्निकद्वययुक्ते चतुर्थाध्याये... आह्रिदयवति पञ्चमे ... आह्निकद्वयशालिनि षष्टे... तथाविधे सप्तमे... प्रथमे ... द्वितीये ... । अष्टमे निर्विकल्पकस विकल्पक प्रत्यक्षप्रमाणचिन्तनम् । नवमे बुद्धिविशेषप्रतिपादनम् । zaùsgaraÀz¶fã¶ızaq | Sarvadarsanasamgraha, BORI, p. 211-2.
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