Jayanārāyaṇa Tarkapancānana and Pańcīnana Tarkaratna in the Vivrti and the Upaskaraparişkara respectively show marked influence of the Neo-logical system. Candrakānta Tarkālankāra gives it an advaitic interpretation in his 'Bhasya.' The Bharadvajuvșttibhasya of Gangādhara Vaidya shows the influence of Samklıya, Vaidyakı etc. The traditional interpretation of the Vaiseşikıdars'ana is, therefore, partly vitiated. Here also the Vyakhyā and the Vrtti of Candrānanda are of immense help. Their interpretations are often supported by ancient sources including the Jaina and Buddhist texts. Candrānanda shows close acquaintance with the Padarthadharmasamgraha of Prasastapāda and is singularly free from non-Vais'eșika bias. ", The Commentator
As regards the author of the commentary we know very little. The concluding verse shows that his name was Candrananda and that he was a source of delight to the learned. A study of the commentary substanciates his claim. He was well-versed in various sāstras including the Vedic texts and the Puranas from which he is found to quote. Among the philosophical works, our author once quotes a passage from the Nyayavartika of Uddyotakara (p. 29). It may incidentally be remarked here that the Nyayavartika preserves some ancient views of the Vaiseșikas including fragmentary explanations of a few Vaisesikasūtras'. We have already noted that one Vais'eșikasütravrtti also was known to Candrānanda. One Vais'e şikasutrarriti has been utilised by Sankaramisra also, Candrānanda must have been different from the author of this Vrtti as none of the fragments preserved by Sankaramisra occurs in the work presented here.
Candrānanda does not show any knowledge of neo-logical speculations. This may either be due to his ancient date prior to the flourish of the neo-logical school of Mithila or to his belonging to a part of the country which remained uninfluenced by neo-logic even after its growth. The former alternative seems to be probable.
1. Vide Uddyotakara as a Vais'esika-Proceedings and Transactions, AIO C, Bombay Session, 1949, pp. 326–334.
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