(7) The Palarth-lharmasamgraha (p. 139, Viz. Series) and its Commentaries (Cf. Kandali, Viz. Series p. 142; Kiranivali, Bārāṇasī Ed. p. 221; & Vyomavati, CSS, p. 486) agree with the present text to hold तथा भवतीति सापेक्षेभ्यो निरपेक्षेभ्यश्च ( X 7 ) as a Vaisesikasutra. S'ankara omits it. The Vyakhya, available upto IX. i. only offers no help here. The anonymous Vṛtti, mentioned before accepts as a sutra.
( 8 ) But in one case ( सामान्यविशेषेषु सामान्यविशेषाभावात् तत एव ज्ञानम् VIII. 5) we find Candrananda agreeing with the Upaskar a version (VIII. i. 5). Uddyotakara (Nyayavartika, Cal. Sans. Series, p. 668) and Jayarasi ( Tattropaplavasimha, GOS, p. 7) accept it. The Vyakhya does not recognise it.
In a few cases, where Canrānanda's sūtra-text differs from that of S'ankara, the sutras are found actually present in the Vyakhya, though they could not be distinguished in the Mithila Institute Edition1.
In five cases the anouymons Bengal Vrtti is found to support Candrānanda's Surapatha", though other authorities are of no help.
The above, when considered along with the agreement of the present sutra-text with that utilised by Mallavadin ( See foot-notes.), will suffice to show that Candrananda's sūtratradition is closer to the ancient Vaiseṣikasutrapaṭha.
But Candrananda's sutra-text also presents a difficult problem. He gives a number of sutras the authenticity of which is not VII. i. 2. Cf. Vyakhya, p. 63. (b) zzàżyfazàáyлff a VII. i. 3. Cf. Ibid., p. 63.
(e) पृथिव्यां रूपरसगन्धस्पर्शा अनित्या एव VII. 1. 4. Cf. Ibid., p. 63. (d) VII. i. 5. Cf. Ibid., p. 63.
VIII. 4. Cf. Ibid., p. 75.
(e) a (f) ar goy
VIII. 11. Cf. Ibid., p. 77.
2. Cf. Candrānanda's text IX. 15; X. 1; X. 5; X. 6 and X. 19.
Jain Education International
(a ) तस्मिन् द्रव्यं कर्म गुग इति संशयः II. ii. 25. (b) अभावात् II. ii. 33.
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