Candrānanda's Sutrapatha further agrees with the ancient sutra readings available in the works of Uddyotakara, Mallavādin etc.
We propose to give below a few prominent instances showing (a) the agreement of Candrānanda and Bhațțavādīndra and (b) their difference from Sankaramisra's text. .. (1) Candrānanda is one with the author of the Vyakhya in not accepting ahazia9791........ i, 4 (S'ankara's version) as a sūtra. It has not been accepted as such by any other authority prior to S'askaramisra. Probably this has come to Sankara from the Padarthadharmasamgraha.!
(2) Candrānanda and Bhattavādindra (51777. II. ii. 28 ) have Fituat fairera in II. ji. 34 and they are supported by Uddyotakara (Cf. Nyayavartika, Cal. Sans. Series, p. 228) It is now clear that Bufaclari and a girl in II. ii. 28 & 29 have been introduced from some earlier commentary in Sankara’s sūtra-text.
(3) 3744qat is a part of III. i, 8 in the present text while it is an independent kūtra in the Vyakhya (III. i. 16). The Syadvadaratnākara (p. 532 ) accepts it as such though it is absent in the Upaskāra-version.
(4) Another part of III. i, 8 i. e., Artui fruiraith is a separate sütra (III. 1. 12) in the Vyakhya. S'arikara does not recognise it.
(5) 370797417 4179993ca: ( Candrananda's text, IV. i. 7) is absent in Sankara’s text. It is there in the Vyākhyā (IV. i. 6). Uddyotakara ( Nyayavartika, Cal. Sans. Series, p. 490 ) and Kamalasila ( Tattvasamgrahapañjikā, GOS, p. 41 ) also accept it as a Vais'eşikasūtra.
(6) 7 atfaceri forya: is a separate sūtra ( VI. i. 2) in the present text but it is absent in the Upaskara' version. It has its counterpart in the Vyakhya ( VI. i. 2) and has also been mentioned as a sūtra in the Kiranavali ( Bārāṇasī Edn. p. 315) and the Nyayakandali ( Viz. Series, p. 216 ) with some variation in readings.
1. Cf. द्रव्यगुणकर्म सामान्यविशेषसमवायानां षण्णां पदार्थानां साधर्म्यवैधर्म्यतत्त्वज्ञानं निःश्रेयसहेतुः। aàsacalcarf77 anfaa i PDS, Viz. Series, pp. 6 f.
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