aphoristic style for all the quotations present an aphoristic character. The title Vakya may be due to this fact.
It is clear from the same source that a Bhasya was written on the Vaigesikasütras and the Vakya taken together. The Pika of Prasasta, in its turn, covered all the three works viz. the Vais'eșikusītras, the Vakya and the Bhasya”.
In the Nyayagamanusariņi Simhasūri points out that the Kațandi and the Tikit have again been referred to by Mallavädin in connection with the examination of the Vais'eșika concept satta. Here the commentator gives a summary of the Vais'eșika position".
The Vais'esikakatandi was long lost and forgotten. We find another solitary reference to it in Murārimisra's Anargharaghava" in which Rāvana, the mythical king of Lankā presents himself as
one well-versed in the Vaiseşikakatandī.' MM. Kuppusvāmi Sāstrin on the basis of the commentary of Rucipati on Murari's drama puts forward a suggestion that this Vais'eșikakatāndī may be identical with the Ravan.bhasya referred to in the Prakațartha. vivar ing and the Ratnaprabhu'. The identification of the author of the Bhasya with the king of Lankā needs no serious refutation.
1. Individual aphoristic sentences found in the Vyomavati (Vide Intro. to the Vois'eșikadars'ana, Mithila Institute p. 14 ) seem to have been taken from this Vaky.
2. aitt THEO sitäts=77er Garte i DANC, p. 512
Cf. a[FTATIM IST 17167612: la disegnats 97:1 DANC, pp. 516 f. ___3. ततोऽनुपपन्न विकल्पत्वात् सत्तासमवायस्य सत्तादव्यत्वगुगत्व कर्मत्वरूपत्वादिसम्बन्धात् सद्रव्यगुणFÅETIET genralaaragnacarakrahastra faranga 434777127c7a7 DANC, p. 458. Cf. a SACHEHTET -41417 Frei Arti Tha agrega aga FÅRTAremas Trial Taifa if I NAA, Ibid., p. 458.
4. [723] # # An astra fifazetafosat af F9A17: qúzifa... Anargharaghava, Kāvyamala, 1937, p. 235.
5. Rāvaṇabhāsya - MM. Kuppusvāmi Sāstrin, JOR, Madras, Vol. III, pp. 1-5.
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