13 It proceeds from the identity of names. The ancient Bhasya on the Vais'eşikadars'ana known to Mallavādin is related to the Vakya which might have been a suppliment to the sutras of Kanāda. It is highly probable that Rāvana's work was based on the Vakya and not identical with the Katandı. In that case also the passage of Murāri does not present any difficulty. For Rāvaņa writing on the Vais'eșika works including the Kațandi must have been well-versed in the Kațandi. We have seen above that the author of the Katandî was conversant with the philosophical views of the Jainas which plecludes the identity of this Rāvana with the mythical king.
The Kiranavali of Udayanācārya refers to a Vaisesikabhäsya and remarks that it was very extensivel. Here Padmanabha in the Kiranavalībhaskra says that this Bhasya was written by Rāvana”. The Visalamalavatī of Jinendrabuddhi also refers to the views of Rāvaņa and a Bhāsyakāra". There are references to an Atreyabhasya and passages from it have been quoted by Vādideva and Vādirāja“. Bhattavadindra in his Kanadasūtranibandha shows close knowledge of this Ātreyabhasya. Vadīndra's work is called the Vais'eșikasūtravartika”. A Vartika generally adds to and amends the current Bhasya of a system. In the extant portions of the Kanadasūtranibandha Rāvana is not mentioned. But though the materials at our disposal are not sufficient to prove the identity of Atreya with Rāvana legitimate doubts are entertained to this effect. We hear from Vādideva that this
1. seegifafaxacinta Kiranavali, Bibl. Ind., p. 34. 2. H16467 vanguitata Kiranavalibhaskara, SB Texts, p. 12. Cf. Des. Cat. Sans. Mss. ASB, Vol. VI, pt. 1. p. 70 also.
3. असौत्रमपि भाष्यकृदभिहितमस्ति इन्द्रियार्थसन्निकर्षः प्रत्यक्षमात्ममनःसन्निकर्षो वेति अत: tafayett 1 .........1767 ghioca forat a nafas......75: TF#127: #fasolea I ... ...gaatfefa i 3115HT: 09177917 acaferacerta garachi aat traga : ( 34A4a:Affil t Visalamalavatī, Muni S'rī Jambuvijayaji's restoration from Tibetan, p. 174.
4. Introduction : Vais'eșikadarsana, Mithila Institute, p. (17). 5. Bhațțavādīndra-The Vais'eșika, JOI, Baroda, Vol X.
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