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Mahachala Samsahaki Sachua Vajad Janivat Sathavar Jeevagashtaani Gunavijampan Yahash
Hajevadavedathi Sarhe Dhamjadaya Parasavahe Yasamasasana Vakhanakadahamarhavahasamiti Aaditpagatire Tilyaruta
Gadhinadesasahapur Jayacharanmahama Yasirijat
Narakraja Shreshana Prati Swayambulumantri Paterhami Ddha
Rani Sudarin Mahabalraja Ka Mmaayaapt
Chammuvimuputra Taptap Haavahavahami
Spasrivarmasparam Pakimvidehi Gandhillaviss Sadarerenayi
Vimukaran Pamasirisanasirpilu Sandaridavihadarisimupultha Sahapadamupatanuasachumut Vayathasir Khimunaridau Sochangapanijanamaha Masavashsayalahapariyanaho. Dhannah Suhadanayu 223
Tell me about Mahabal, is he glorious or inglorious? Hearing this, the motion of the mobile and immobile beings was sheltered by the king named Shrisheena who caused his wife Sundridevi to be thrilled. His first son, the elder among those who know, says, "In the southern part of this Jambudvipa, in the first Karmbhoomi, Jayavarma entered first, and then Srivarma, who was praised by humans. When his parents' minds were happy, he was the imminent glorious Vidhyadhar king, who will be the Tirthankara in the tenth Bhava. I feel like hiding his Bhogashaya, as all his family members love him. No, I will tell you about his Durmodapan. In the west Videha, in the Gandhill country, in the fearless Singhapur, Sri...