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By giving, compassion, and charity, there is Dharma. By falsehood, killing of living beings, there is Adharma. From this, here are the wicked humans (Adharmic humans), Narakiya, Tiryanch, and the wicked Devas afflicted by the three poisons. From Dharma, there are Kalpavasis Devas, Arhant, Chakravarti, Charan, and Munindra. From Dharma, in the world, there are Ahmindra and Ram-Krishna, who are radiant like the vast moon, who are the masters of Mandalik and Mahamandalpatis, who have crowns of jewels adorning their heads. From Dharma, there are Prativaasudeva, Kamadeva, Rudra, and various types of kings. From Dharma, there are Siddhantavetta, Vagmi, and Vadi Pandits. All the good qualities that are seen, such as good fortune, beauty, family, character, radiance, masculinity, fame, strength, pure peace, etc., are all the fruits of Dharma.
Oh Deva, the lotus of your head has turned white, how much enjoyment will you experience? By purifying the mind, speech, and body, practice the Dharma as spoken in the Jina scriptures. ||16||
Oh Swami, one should attain heaven and liberation. Then the Mahamathi Mantri teaches the path of Dharma, saying that...