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English translation with Jain terms preserved:
The king Srenika, as if the Krsnacara (Krsna) himself has come, met the king of Nepal. The Vibhulideva, who is like the Mara (death), knows the Haris (Vishnu) and the Gandhamathana (fragrant mountain) and the Devis (goddesses) in the Visarisa (Vishala) region. He is the protector of the Panca-syakarana (five-fold activities) and the Sattegu (seven-fold activities) of the Vipalakas (Jain ascetics). Though he is the Ifediyamandamed (one who has conquered the Ifediya, a type of disease), he is like the Govaluvaka (cowherd) who has left the Thamahisa (buffalo), Mandalimanda (circular abode), and Paricara (attendant). He is the refuge of the Jinas (Jain spiritual teachers), like the Sirhhasana-devi (goddess of the throne) who has made the Namsravakhanda (name-fame-division) her own.
The king, who is like the Srenisa (lord of the Srenis or guilds), is the Mirasiharcada (one who has destroyed the pride of his enemies) and the Vakadala (one who has split the mountains) of all, and he is the refuge of all. He is the one who crushes the Kusumasara (flower-arrows) of Kamadeva (the god of love) with his own hands, and he is the protector of all auspiciousness. He is the one who has destroyed the pride of his enemies, and he is the refuge of all the Yogisvara (great yogis).