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Sarthachakrava kaushe ayo dhyanagari shragam,
Ra chaliyamandalesara khayarpur kanthavadvara hogirila shivasen samthal kimtakil kik inianjal kim kimkarmaravanu kimkishmadhula jayathath kishp kishm desatarulandhit ki bhakidsuvichya sanghiu kim kimparan avlo ki kishpadisappunichane kilkip varavadvadiu kishmkimparamandulusha din kanhkhademadmadaypariharae avartapadakha vare purana.
And the Mandaleshwar, Vidyadhar, Sur and Manusya, adorned with garlands, went. The mountain-place became level in an instant. Which water did not become muddy? Which forest did not become shattered? Which grass did not become dust? Which country did they not cross? Which fort did they not take shelter in? Which
weapon did they not see? Which enemy army did they not defeat? Which excellent vehicle did they not ride? Which enemy group did they not subdue? Adorned with golden staffs, the Pratihar, on the arrival of such a Skandhawara of the Lord,