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Hiramanasangamadhutran Savita Rayada Rajayahas,
O Devadidev Samanala Paran
000000000 Pradevarasenapat Tilichkrajasasa Dhanakasarava Bhatalkariv Dhitha
Ravarahang Pavanalaharah.। Vatasaaladamasajarakam
Kadgakhekantakuthar Ravirasyagandhavahpalanasalila
Then in the beautiful battle for the sake of the Ramanis, the clever Devadidev's son Bharat, filled with anger,
himself tied the invincible victory's Veerapatta (king) for the Ghatta-Shatrupurusha, as if the Krtaanta, who destroys the age on the Vishadharas and Navajaldharas, had become angry. ||11||
Then the clouds were destroyed in the same way by the winds created by sixteen thousand Yakshamaras,