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Here is the English translation, preserving the Jain terms:
The Jina Mahavira has destroyed the Jalasamadhinasha (destruction of the state of equanimity), Asamtaramadhya (the state of non-equanimity), Vinasa (destruction), Avata (descent), Jina (conqueror), Mahasavi (great ascetic), Vimata (heretical belief), Upaninama (taking refuge), and has attained the state of Siddha (liberated soul). He has conquered Rana (battle), Araya (enemy), Tiriya (animal), Ghata (murder), Anivaya (non-violence), Alasavi (laziness), Vidyana (knowledge), Aundhi (darkness), Gaya (birth), Amupavira (non-violence), Runuta (debt), Anamuputa (freedom from debt), Paheni (garment), Vandha (bondage), Tanu (body), Sanghata (aggregation), Esa (this), Angota (limb), Vinama (name), Apale (own), Tanu (body), Sanghada (aggregation), Avamadha (contempt), Bala (strength), Rasana (taste), Avaruvi (disgust), Fasi (attachment), Bau (aversion), Apaviddha (rejection), Naguru (teacher), Galangala (ornament), Rikala (hair), Navagha (nine), Uvidara (external), Dhavida (knowledge), Khiuka (hair), Savivada (controversy), Araja (dust), Apavihaya (abandonment), Gacchita (gone), Sakaya (family), Thavasthu (substance), Suddha (pure), Upajnana (knowledge), Gappa (speech), Yata (control), Patna (wife), Agama (scripture), Usahara (food), Thiru (steady), Athiru (unsteady), Visuhana (pleasure), Usukara (cause), Apadasa (defect), Landavatthu (object), Susarilla (beautiful), Utsarada (liberation), Edajagata (this world), Anadeya (unworthy), Gau (cow), Usukiti (merit), Tilayahani (destruction of three), Mimala (pure), Kitivi (glory), Ghala (destruction).
The Jina Mahavira has conquered the Indriyas (senses), Nija (own), Upapacaviddha (five-fold knowledge), Asa (hope), Hapa (fear), Dhipacana (meditation), Mipagadhi (pride), Ekutila (crooked), Udadoda (flood), Viharanda (wandering), Olakha (mark), Uja (light), Amaja (darkness), Kavi (poet), Samala (pure), Amala (impure), Ida (this), Asijagga (this world), Avata (descent), Amijahi (this), Haraparicanai (renunciation), Manasaya (mental), Basayanivara (restraint), Bakhila (speech), Hadena (body), Sanghakha (aggregation), Antarala (intermediate), Vidyadhuna (knowledge), Pie (beloved), Akhyala (famous), Asanasauvi (seat), Hana (destruction), Pyadidimana (knowledge), Vamale (pure), Minu (this), Sahasa (courage), Usalaha (effort), Pinu (also), Jegama (birth), Paramajava (supreme), Niba (liberation), Daka (fire), Mukka (liberated), Hosa (state), Saya (permanent), Thana (place).
He has destroyed Krodha (anger), Mana (pride), Maya (illusion), and Lobha (greed). He has eliminated the feelings of femininity and masculinity. He has conquered Bhaya (fear), Rati (attachment), Arati (aversion), and Jugupsa (disgust). He has also ended both Soka (sorrow) and Hasa (laughter). He has conquered the five types of beings - Sura (celestial), Nara (human), Nara (hell), and the four types of Gati (state of existence). He has destroyed the forty-two types of Karmas, including Gati-nama (state of existence), Jati-nama (species), Sarira-nama (physical form), Nila-pita-adi-panca-varna (five colors), Katu-tikta-adi-panca-rasa (five tastes), Audarika-adi-sarira-niban-dha (five types of physical bodies), Audarika-adi-sarira-sanchaya (aggregation of physical bodies), Sarira-samsthana (physical structure), Sarira-angopanga (limbs and organs), Sarira-nirmana (physical formation), Sarira-bandha (physical bondage), Varna-gandha-rasa-sparsa (color, smell, taste, touch), Panca-sarira (five types of bodies), Audarika-vaikriyaka-aharaka-sarira-angopanga (limbs and organs of physical, transformable, and food bodies), Subhaga-durbbhaga (auspicious and inauspicious), Anupurvi-agurulaghu (proper and improper sequence), Upaghataka-paraghataka (self-inflicted and other-inflicted), Ucchvasa-atapa-udyota-prasasta-aprasasta (respiration, heat, light, auspicious, and inauspicious), Samacaturastra-valmika-nyagrodha-kubja-vamana-hunda-samsthana (seven types of physical structures), Vajrarshabha-naracha-vihayogati-trasakayi-sthavara-sthula-sukshma-paryapta-aparyapta (eight types of bodies), Nara-adi-gati (four states of existence) and Gaty-adyanupurvi (sequence of states of existence), Adesya-adesya-yasa-kirti (worthy and unworthy fame and glory), and Tirthankaratva (attainment of Tirthankarahood).
He has abandoned the high and low Gotra (clan) in the worldly existence. He has destroyed the four Gati (states of existence) and the eight types of Nama-karma (name-karma). He has conquered the five types of Antaraya (obstacles) related to the senses, enjoyment, and acquisition of merit and strength. In this way, he has destroyed one hundred and forty-eight Prakritis (psychic karmic states), liberated the human body from the Prakritis, and attained the pure, self-born nature, reaching the eternal, blissful abode, free from suffering.