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He remembers the fifteen, thirty, ninety and six divisions. ||2||
It is said. The extent of Mahahimalaya Kulachal is four thousand two hundred ten, ten divided by nineteen (42104.) yojanas.
(Its height is two hundred yojanas) It is said. The value of Rukmi Kulachal is also seen in the same way. In the middle of the world, spread out in a slanting (oblique) form and adorned with a mountain ring beyond human beings, four times the area of forty-five ghata-regions and four times the mountain from the mountain, do not be mistaken in this. The word of the Jina is a human region extending a lakh yojanas. Jambudvipa, extending a lakh yojanas, is the best. Nothing can ever go wrong. (It cannot be wrong) ||3|| Five hundred twenty-six yojanas (5261. yojanas) in which cities and towns of humans are built. The extent of South Bharat is five hundred twenty-six yojanas, the same extent in the north is of the Airavat region. In the Bharat region, the Hari region is shown to be slightly more than eight thousand four hundred twenty-one, one divided by nineteen yojanas from the north. Taking the Ramyaka to the south, the Vijayadha mountain is fifty yojanas wide, full of virtues. Its height is twenty-five yojanas, the extent of the region is also the same. The extent of the Nishadha mountain is said to be sixteen thousand eight hundred forty-two, two divided by nineteen yojanas. The Himalavat Kulachal is one thousand fifty-two (1000) yojanas in extent, one hundred yojanas in height. Its height is said to be four hundred yojanas. The extent and height of the Neel Kulachan is also the same, it is, the Shikhari mountain is also the same. The second Hamvat region is two thousand one hundred five, five divided by nineteen (21054) no one can prevent it. Both (i.e. Nishadha and Neel Kulachal) together are said to be the extent of the Videha region in yojanas and the second Hiranyavat region is of the same value, both make up a structure of the same value, which is thirty-three thousand six hundred eighty-four, four divided by nineteen (336841,.) yojanas.