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She descended to the house of the Nabey (Rishabhanatha), surrounded by the gods who were about to begin the music. Paying her respects, she served the Lord with the knowledge of the two-shruti, three-shruti, and four-shruti systems, and requested the opportunity to perform a dance. First, the venerable gods, who perform with both manifest and unmanifest fingers, began the music at the start of her dance. ||5||
She performed a dance with twenty limbs, complete and in the color of the east. Three types of beautiful Pushkara instruments, three types of Bhand instruments (excellent, medium, and inferior), the renowned sixteen-lettered, four-path, Dulepan, six Karan, destroyer of Viraati, bamboo wind instruments praised by humans, produced sound. With three Yati, three Laya, three beautiful Gati, three Chaar, three Yoga, three types, the eternal Shruti (twenty-two Shruti in each of the Sadja and Madhyama Grama) were produced by the free finger, with the Karas, five Pani-prahar, three types and three Prasar, and three Majjan (Trimarjanak), thus twenty-eight Shruti, three Shruti were produced by the trembling finger, and two Shruti by the free finger. She performed a dance adorned with the characteristics of the ornaments of the manifest finger, adorned with eighteen Jati, and adorned with these qualities. Due to the abandonment of the Sadja, the Madhyama and Panchama notes, and the common notes, along with the trembling, and also the Chachchuput, Chachchuput, and beautiful Chhappya-put: these three Talas, adorned with their many variations, and driven by the Dhaivat, Gandhar, and Vishad notes by the finger, the semi-free sounds, by the fingers, of various types, with the names Vama, Urdhva, and Aalingat, I have described the flawless instrument.
The gods like Tumburu and Narada revealed the properly tuned Vina, as described in the Agamas. Two types of Vina instruments (Vishkal and Tripanch)