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## Pradinathar Raptavanam:
**Know this mantra-like characteristic, O steadfast man, in whom the protection of the apāya (hell) is done and who continuously receives abundant fruits. The salvation of the good, the suppression of the wicked, the acceptance of the sixth part in the form of justice, the pacification of the faults of the people, these are the considerations of the dandaniti (law of punishment), O son.**
**Agriculture, commerce, and animal husbandry are considered worthy by kings, along with the four varnas (castes) and the three ashramas (stages of life). The shrotriya (Brahmin) is not beautiful even today. You should keep them ahead of yourself, satisfy the poor with charity. Their work is to spread peace in the world and to pacify the ghosts. The barley of three years is called aj, with which one should perform yajna (sacrifice) and preach compassion for living beings among the people.**
**What is read should be done. They should be called darshan (vision), jnana (knowledge), and charitra (character). One should wear a janeu (sacred thread) of three strands on the body. One should remain celibate or marry a daughter of a good family. I have not mentioned another woman for them. Daily bathing, worship of the Jina image, daily homa (fire sacrifice), daily offering of food to guests. But they are lustful and dull, they will violate this code and kill and eat living beings.**
**Ghatta - Shruta-sangraha (collection of scriptures), karuna-path (path of compassion), dana (charity), and the sustenance of the people of the earth, thus I have considered the Kshatriya karma (duty).**