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## English Translation:
.. [A] A single dharma in the substance of the form of ekant mithyatva-dravya-paryaya. To be certain of it 61||300 The difference in the form of ekadasanga-dvadasanga, eleven angas- 1. Yacharang, 2. Mutrakritanga, 3. Sthananga, 4. Samavayanga, 5. Vyakhyaprajnapti, anga, 6. Jnatridharmarathanga, 7. Upas. Kadhyayananga, 8. Antakriddasanga, 9. Anunaroshaadika damanga, 10. Vipaksutraanga, and 11. Prashnavyakarananga, these are called dvadasanga by the inclusion of 12th drishtivadanga. 48.12
Kanasheekar- The rain of clouds for days is called kanasheekar.
58.28 Kanakavali- A fast of the upvasaka.
Uttarapurana- Karmaanvaya-rak kriya, their detailed description is to be seen in the second part of Mahapuraana.
63.302 Kalpavrisha- A special worship done by the Grihaspati Chakravarti.
72.59 Five arrows of Kama- 1. Tarpan, 2. Tapana, 3. Mohan, 4. Vilapana, 5. Maran, 72.119 Kusheel- A type of corrupt muni.
76.193 Krinkaaditrik- Created, caused,
Hanumodan. 73.111 Kevala- Kevala jnana, all dravyas
and knowing their paryaya, the most excellent jnana. 61.43 Kaivalyanavaka- Nine powers obtained by the nine.
72.191 Ksheerasravadidhi- A riddhi whose effect is that milk starts flowing from dry food. 59.257.
[G] - Gananathamki- Acharya bhakti is a
feeling. 63.327 Gatichatushtaya- Naraka, Tiyach, Manushya and Dev, these are called Gatichatushtaya. 53.18 Garbhanvayakriya- Their detailed description is to be seen in the second part of Mahapuraana. 63.302 Guptyadishatk- Gupti, Samiti, Dharma, Anupreksha, Parisha, Jap and Charitra, these are called Guptyadishatk. They bring about samvara.
52.155 Prathay- Two types of parigraha, based on the difference of antaranga and bahiranga.
67.413 [Gh] Pati- Jnanavarana, Darshanavarana, Moramor Basray, these are the 14.
Niya. Of these, the destruction of mahaka daman gunampaana is in the end, and the destruction of the remaining three is in the anas.
5||228 [Ch] Seven ratnas of Chakraanta (Narayana)- 1. Ami, 2. Das, 3. Dhanush, 4. Chakra, 5. Shakti, 6. Dar and 7. Gada, 62.1148 Chaturdasha Maharatan- There are 14 ratnas of the 14th. 1. Sudarshan Chakra, 2. Patra, 3. Khang, 4. Dand, 5. Kakini, 6. Charma, 7. Chudamani, 8. Purohit, 9. Senapati, 10. Sthati, 11. Grihapati, 12. Kanya, 13. Gaj and 14. Ashva.
61.195 Chaturvidha Bandha- 1. Prakriti, 2. Sthiti, 3. Anubhaga and 4. Pradesh, these are the four types of bandha.
58.31 Chaturvidhaamar- 1. Bhavanaasi, 2. Vyantar, 3. Jyotishka and 4. Vaimanika, these are the four types of dev. 55.51 Chaturthajnana- Manahparyayajnana, the following five types of jnana are: 1. Matijnana, 2. Shrutijnan, 3. Avadhijnana, 4. Manahparyayajnana and 5. Kevalajnana. Knowing the substance in the form of sthiti in the mind of another, without the help of the senses, within the limits, is Manahparyayajnana. It has two types: Rijumati and Vipulmati. 48.4. Chaturthashukladhyana- Gyupratkriya niti.
Karanya- 1. Bandhakarana, 2.
Apuurvakarana, 3. Anivrittikarana, in which the results of the same-time and different-time beings are both similar and dissimilar, they are called Adhakarana. In which the results of the same-time beings are both similar and dissimilar, and the results of different-time beings are only dissimilar, they are called Apuurvakarana. And where the results of the same-time beings are only similar, and the results of different-time beings are dissimilar, they are called Anivrittikarana.