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## Glossary of Terms
**Muni:** A Jain monk.
**Five Wonderful Acts During Giving:** 1. Rain of Jewels, 2. Sound of Divine Drums, 3. Rain of Flowers, 4. Flow of Gentle Fragrant Wind, and 5. Sound of "Ahodana Ahodana".
**Ashtaahniki Puja:** A special eight-day festival celebrated in the months of Kartik, Phalgun, and Ashadh. During this festival, the 52 Jain temples located on Nandishwar Dweep are worshipped.
**Aghatikarma:** Four types of karmas that are not destroyed by liberation: 1. Vedaniya, 2. Ayu, 3. Name, and 4. Gotra.
**Animādiguṇa:** Eight types of supernatural powers: 1. Animā, 2. Mahimā, 3. Garima, 4. Lahimā, 5. Prāpti, 6. Prākaṁya, 7. Ishitva, and 8. Vashitva.
**Anuyoga:** The division of Jain scriptures based on their subject matter. There are four types: 1. Prathamānuyoga, 2. Karaṇānuyoga, 3. Caraṇānuyoga, and 4. Dravyānuyoga.
**Amīkṣṇajñānopyoga:** One of the sixteen types of meditation.
**Amūḍhaṣṭhitā:** One of the components of Samyak Darshan (right faith).
**Avagāḍhahak:** One of the ten types of Samyaktva (right conduct), arising from knowledge.
**Ajñānamithyātv:** The state of false belief that arises from ignorance about the true nature of karma, punya, papa, and dharma.
**Arthaj:** One of the types of Samyak Darshan.
**Bhavasanma:** A type of corrupt being.
**Ashtaguna:** Eight qualities that manifest in a Siddha (liberated soul) after the destruction of the eight karmas: 1. Knowledge, 2. Vision, 3. Uninterrupted Bliss, 4. Right Conduct, 5. Penetration, 6. Subtlety, 7. Weightlessness, and 8. Vigor.
**Ashtaanga Nimittagyan:** Eight types of knowledge that arise from dreams: 1. Antariksha, 2. Bhouma, 3. Anga, 4. Swar, 5. Vyanjan, 6. Lakshana, 7. Sinna, and 8. Swapna.
**Ahamindra:** The gods who reside in the sixteenth heaven. They are all equal in their splendor and there is no distinction between king and subjects.
**Agambhakti-Pravachanbhakti:** One of the types of meditation.
**Achaamlavardhan:** A special type of fast.
**Aagnasamudbhav:** One of the types of Samyak Darshan.
**Adisanhann:** A type of body structure.
**Aadimasansthan:** A type of body structure.
**Aay Sansthan:** A type of body structure.
**Aavashyakaparinhaani:** One of the types of meditation.
**Ashray Patrak:** A type of garment worn by great monks.
**Iryadipanchak:** Five types of activities: 1. Walking, 2. Speech, 3. Eating, 4. Taking and Giving, and 5. Establishing.
**Upadeshottha:** One of the types of Samyak Darshan.
**Upvrinhan:** One of the components of Samyak Darshan.
**Upasakakriya:** The practices of a Shravak (lay follower).
**Ubhayanaya:** A type of knowledge that accepts one of the many contradictory aspects of a substance based on the context. It has two types: Vyavahar (practical) and Nishchay (definitive).