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Mahapuraana, Uttara Puraana
With thousands of kings,
246. Famous in the world like Saankhya, etc. 546. The essence of the kingdom, happiness, and thousands of ministers
436. The teachings of Saankhya, etc. 476. The essence of things 168. With thousands of monks, 70, 221. That tongue, that mind, that particle
The essence of joy, taking thousands of one, three knowledges
| In the seven-wheeled chariot, it was - 342. The essence of happiness, coming together with thousands of Yaksha protectors 230. With seven-five auspicious things, happiness
The essence of Saraswati, etc., praise - 215. With thousands of rays, along with 156. She, hearing their fruit
The essence of worship, fourfold, being 433. In the endless forest of thousands of mango trees, with gods, worship of the earth, etc.
With the essence, coming together equally... 243. Thousands of lotus flowers in the hand, completely 228.
Without beginning and end, flawless, without beginning... 567. With thirty kotis, counted, thousands of lotus flower chariots 67. The means, gradually, released
183. Along with two forty
135. Half a thousand, a thousand, indeed 247. They should fulfill, otherwise, pride, etc.
Along with sixteen months, at the end of the thousand, taking together
386. Those months of the means
The essence of three, elevation
560. With a thousand, the knowledge of the fourth
215. The means, there, worthy of this 525. The means, with golden wealth, that
458. With a thousand, even non-scriptural, ordinary, yours, are not
The means, with your family
538. With seven, along with
146. The means, previous kotis, lifespan
Along with your own reason, obtained 558. Thousands, taking refuge in
237. The means, well-known, by this, it is said
Universal prosperity, properly 227. With your natural form
523. The means, like a dog, they are pursued
With Lakshmi, all, worshipped by the immortals 426. With the god, covered
536. The means, the means, related
478. With a definite victory, by that
376. With the end of the kalpa, becoming here 543. She, the Nagas, gave, evil intentions
With support, the word, hearing 150. With me, I will go to Lanka
With me, doing, increase 306
She, entering, the moon-line, shining, helpers, also, of that, she, also, the time, wind, raised
She, to roam, the forest, gone 313
72. Helpers, relatives, also, of that, she, also, the womb, child, cruelty
She, free from attachment, joy 507 363
She, the virtuous, Aryika, to, with, making a helper, worshipping
366. She, also, seeing, the king of the earth, to rise 46 385
She, womanhood, not, understanding, helper, with, consulting, she, also, five, rituals 484
414. She, also, Padmavati, patience
Boldness, see, enjoy, I, with helpers, accomplished work
66 405
Lion-banner, wearing, coronation 345. With, necessarily, I, to them, she, also, her own husband, this 522
Lion-moon, of the sky, coming 115. With, there is, no other, she, also, worn, ornaments, coming 484
Lion-moon, he became, today 112. With, birth, of prosperity, by this, she, also, said, in them, my, desire 223
Lion-moon, the sage, also 114. She, the story, which, hearing, she, also, said, in a good man, country 518
Lion-roar, then, making 222. Completely, then, declared
She, also, said, sleeping, the king
Lion-playing, fierce, Saketa city, going
261. She, awakening, the fruits, of the lord of the self
Lion-good, Sukambhoja 482. Saketa city, lord 437. She, coronation, by the gods, obtaining
Lion-expansion, middle, Saketa, lord, what, to you
Materials, being present, with 477. Lion-valour, this, this, is said 451. Saketa city, other, in
The difference of the means, the method of the means
Lion-army, great king
106. Saketa city, coming
327. Means, speech, compassion, mind
Lion-army, etc., of that, Saketa, glory, you
Means, etc., with gods - 460. Lion-army, also, in time 112. Directly, Lakshmi, like, eyes 506. Means, etc., along with
Lion-army, the planet Saturn, edge 116. Ocean, wealth-protector, named - 466. Means, taking together 30, 104. Lion-action, he, quickly 373. Ocean, endless, wilderness
Means, etc., six, of 167. Lion-throne, coming together 224. Ocean-like, kotis, of
Means, the benefit, difference
Lion-throne, sitting 165. 'Ocean-like, twenty
245. Nearness, protection, joy - 274. Lion-throne, sitting, lord, hill, on, thick - 226. Kingdom, wealth, of that 207. Lion, with, marriage,