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## Verse Number Index:
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Obtained by me, indeed, by a lion
464. The name of happiness is that here, on the thirteenth of the bright fortnight, 126 To obtain a good subject, on the fourteenth of the bright fortnight,
Mouth-womb, victorious Shyama, to worship the Siddhakūta, 543 The feeling of happiness, sorrow, etc. The Siddhabhūpaddhati of whom... 573 The essence of Dharma, the knowledge of the Siddha-Rākṣasa, 486 Enjoying happiness together, on the Siddha-mountain, sometimes, 184
Who knows the happiness of that one, the Siddārtha-shibika-deluded, 16 With the mouth, in the ninth month, the Siddārtha-sura-sammōdha,
With the mouth, by this wicked one, the Siddārtha, pervading samyaktva,
The Sugurudruma-named, the Siddha, Vaikatra, in the Ghatōkta,
A good grasp, with the palm of the hand, the Sindhu-Sindhu-khaga-etc. end,
Sugrīva, by Kumbhakarna, the Bhūbhṛt, in the Sindhyākhya-territory,
Sugrīva, Anumada-etc., the self-head-bound-evil-doer, 346
Sugrīva, the son of Anila, etc., the Sita, not to be taken, it is decided, 312
Sughoṣa, the Shataghoṣa-named, the Sita, to bring, from us,
Sughoṣa-vidyad-daṣṭrākhya, the Sita, mutually, the refuge-having,
Sughoṣa-hetu-obtained, the Sita, the virtuous, someone, 321
The cremation ground, also, not to be known, the Sita-etc., eight thousand,
Sūrta, the most suitable, thinking, the Sita, the ocean of courage, obtaining,
The son, to offer, the Sita, to place, thus, taken, she. The son, in the kingdom, establishing, the Sita, by me, taken, it is said, what- 308 The son, the valiant hero, by the Sita-curse, the burning, that,
The daughter, also, the chariot-mounted, the Sita, the virtuous, this,
The daughter, the golden-garland, the Sita-eager, thus, going,
The daughter, the Kuvera-given, the Sita-udōkta-shore, the fort,
The daughter, the Dṛḍharatha-born, the Sīmaṅkara-muni, taking refuge,
The daughter, my, the beloved, of this, the hand, also, from that sorrow- 86 The daughter, of the immeasurable-speed, the Sīra-hand, that, seeing, 368 The daughter, the army-conquered, the Sīra-etc., beginning, the famous, the playful- 326 The daughter, to me, the Megha-sena, the Sīriṇa, also, not, here,
The daughter, to the learned-in-scripture, the sweet-voiced, the singers,
The carpenter, with, the light, the forest, the delicate, also, the un-distressed, 424 The carpenter, to me, the younger sister, the delicate, thus, naming,
The daughter, the Sagara-given, the delicate, the very fragrant- 423
The daughter, the Hiranyavati, was, the delicate, with the pot, with the pot,
The son, the lack of affection, to the husband, the Suketa, thus, all,
The son, the Gagan-sundā, the Suketa, indeed, the example,
The son, the Gotama-son, the Suketa-born, in gambling, 103 The son, the Dasharatha-named, the Suketa, in the victory-half, etc., 366 The son, in the queen, the Prabhaṅkari, the Suketa-shelter-arrow,
The son, my, this, the Rāgaṇa,
26. The son, the Yakṣa-etc., given, in, 360 The son, in the Gaja-pura, the caste, 122. The son, the Vijayarāma-named, 236 The son, of this, your, the husband, 364
The son, those two, the youth-full. 185 524
The son, the daughter, were born, the star, 408 66 The Sudatta, by that, the un-distressed,
182 235
The Sudatta, the name, of that, was, 533
The beautiful-to-see, the heroine, the approach, 352
The Sudūtama, the Indu-named, 144
The Sudharma-gana-servant, the, 537 321
The Sudharma-end, the knowledge, 537 321
The Sudharma-named, that, the elder, 316
The Sudharma, the Kevali, the Jambū, 537 156
The Sudharma-ācārya, obtaining,
The Sudhī, how, the happiness-portion, desiring? 173 The Sudhī, the Madana-speed, also,
162 504 The Sudhī, the beautiful-garden,
135 312
The Sananda, the Nanda-disease, the, 342
The Nanōtākhya, also, the Shōna, also,
The Sundā, was born, of that, 345
The Supāśva, the silence, taking, the virtuous, the suitable, seeking,
The Supta, the Para-māṇikya, 534 183 532
The Suprakāra-pura-lord, 424
The Supratiṣṭha-jina-approach, 353
The Supratiṣṭha-maha-gaja, 182 The Supratiṣṭha, also, in that, the kingdom,
342 The Suprabhāga-ṇī-pā,
The Suprabhāya