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The Mahapurana, Uttara Purana
Their victory flag was taken by the twice-born, who were dedicated to it. Those two, filled with anger born of insult, went out at night with sharp weapons. || 15 || The next day, those two evil-doers went out to a secluded place where the pure-minded Satyaka Muni, the best of the ascetics, was engaged in the practice of image-yoga. || 16 || They were ready to attack him with weapons, thinking it was just. The twice-born were then stopped by the golden Yaksha, as if they were nailed. || 17 || Then their mothers, fathers, and relatives came seeking refuge. The wise Yaksha said to them, "If you abandon the religion of violence and accept the Jain religion, these two will be freed." || 18-19 || Frightened, they quickly said, "We will do so." They circumambulated the Muni, paid their respects to him according to the rules, and falsely accepted the religion of the Shravakas. || 20 || Then, when those two sons were freed from being nailed, their parents and others said to them, "You should now abandon this religion, because you had accepted it only due to circumstances." Those sons, being fortunate in time, did not deviate from the path of righteousness that they had embraced. || 21-22 || Seeing this behavior of their sons, their parents and others became angry with them and, after death, due to the ripening of their sins, wandered for a long time in various hells. On the other hand, those two Brahmin sons, having lived their lives with vows, after death, became excellent gods of the Parishada caste in the Saudharma heaven, with a lifespan of five palya. || 23-24 || There, they enjoyed many excellent pleasures. Then, in the city of Ayodhya, belonging to the Kosala country of this Jambudvipa, there reigned a powerful king named Ariñjaya, who conquered his enemies. In that city, there lived a wealthy merchant named Arhadasa, whose wife's name was Vaprishri. Those two, Agnibhuti and Vayubhuti, having descended from the fifth heaven, were born as the sons of Arhadasa and Vaprishri, named respectively, Purnabhadra and Manibhadra. One day, King Ariñjaya went to the presence of the teacher named Mahendra, who was residing in the forest called Siddhartha. There, he heard the teachings of religion from many people, which purified his mind. He entrusted the burden of the kingdom to his son, Ariñdama, who was capable of bearing it, and along with his servants and others, he embraced restraint. At that time, the son of the wealthy merchant, Purnabhadra,