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## The Seventy-Sixth Chapter
Now, the objection to his statement is being expressed. Just as darkness is the obstruction to the lighting of a lamp, so too, there must be an obstruction to the manifestation of animals, etc., before their manifestation. ||4||
Hearing this, all of them praised him, saying, "Your statement that the creator does not create new animals, etc., but only manifests them, is not worthy of acceptance." ||12||
They all said, "If the dispute is settled by King Vasu, then let us go to him." Thus, all of them, along with Narada and the Mountain, went to the city of Svastikavati. ||13||
Knowing all this, the Mountain's mother, along with him, went to see King Vasu. She said, "This poor Mountain was entrusted to you by your Guru when he was going to the forest of penance. Today, he will have a dispute with Narada in your presence. If, by chance, he is defeated in this debate, then Yama's abode will be his only refuge. You should know this for sure." Thus, the Mountain's mother spoke to King Vasu. King Vasu, desiring to serve his Guru, said with great respect, "Mother, do not have any doubts about this. I will ensure the victory of the Mountain." Saying this, he dispelled the fear of the Mountain's mother. ||14-17||
The next day, King Vasu, standing on a throne made of sky-crystal, adorned with a lion's emblem, was seated in the royal court. At that time, all the ministers, including Vishvabhu, arrived in the court and asked, "Before you, there were four kings of the Hari-vamsa lineage, named Himagiri, Mahagir, Samagiri, and Vasugiri, who were always dedicated to the protection of ahimsa and other virtues." ||18-19||
After all of them passed away, King Vishvavasu came, and after him, you became the protector of ahimsa dharma. You are the truth-speaker, renowned in all three worlds. In any situation of doubt, you are like poison, fire, and a balance. O Lord! You are the one who creates faith, so please dispel our doubts. Narada has explained the nature of ahimsa dharma, and the Mountain contradicts him, claiming that violence is dharma. Now, please speak as your Guru, the Upadhyaya, has instructed you. ||20-24||
Why don't you make it? ||410||