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The divine voice then spoke to him, saying, "O Dev, listen! Just as the chataka birds are satisfied by the rain in the east, so too are the bhavyas satisfied by the divine voice." ||29|| "Listen, O bhavy, the cause of this world is karma, and the cause of karma is mithyatva, asamyam, etc." ||295|| "Mithyatva is the result of the arising of mithyatva karma, which perverts knowledge. Know this mithyatva to be the cause of bondage." ||296|| "Ignorance, doubt, ekant, vipreet, and vinaya are the five types of mithyatva, as understood by the wise." ||297|| "In beings who are characterized by the names of papa and dharma, the result of the arising of mithyatva karma is called ajnana mithyatva." ||298|| "Due to the multiplicity of prapta and agama, etc., there is fluctuation in the nature of the tattva. Know this, O wise one, as samshaya mithyatva." ||299|| "In the substance, its synonyms, or in the means of liberation, which are samyagdarshan, samyagjnana, and samyakcharitra, the firm conviction in only one of these is called ekant mithyatva." ||300|| "Know that which causes the wrong judgment of the true nature of jnana, jnanak, and jneya in the self as vipreet mithyatva." ||301|| "The mithyatva that arises when all beings are worshipped by the mind, speech, and body, and all things are considered as means of liberation, is called vinaya mithyatva." ||302|| "The actions of the mind, speech, and body of a person without vows are called asamyam. Knowledgeable people have said that there are two types of asamyam: praniasamyam and indriyasamyam." ||303|| "As long as the a-pratyakhyana avarna, charitra, and moha arise in beings, i.e., until the fourth guna-sthana, asamyam is considered the cause of bondage." ||304|| "The actions of the mind, speech, and body that cause doubt in the vows are called pramad. This pramad is the cause of bondage until the sixth guna-sthana." ||305|| "The fifteen types of pramad are said to arise from the arising of the sanjvalana kshaya, and they are the cause of pratyashchit for beings who are endowed with the three charitras: samayaik, chhedopasthapana, and pariharavishuddhi." ||306|| "The results that arise from the arising of the four sanjvalanas: krodha, mana, maya, and lobha, in the four guna-sthana from the seventh to the tenth, are called kshaya. These four kshayas are the cause of bondage in these four guna-sthana." ||307|| "The kshaya, as described by the Jinas in sixteen forms, is the cause of bondage from the beginning of the upshanta, and it continues throughout the sthiti and anubhaga." ||308||