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## The Sixty-Second Chapter
If you wish to give your daughter to a groom who possesses good lineage, health, age, and appearance, then listen to what I have to say. || 70 ||
In the north of the Vijayardha mountain range, there is a city called Surendrakantar. Its king is named Meghavahana. His beloved wife is named Meghamalini. || 71 ||
They have a son named Vidyutprabha, who is radiant like lightning, and a daughter named Jyotirmaala, who is pure like a garland. The king of birds, Meghavahana, was blessed with both a son and a daughter, who were like good deeds and wisdom respectively. || 72 ||
One day, Meghavahana went to Siddhakoota to offer praise. There, he saw the wise charana, Vardharma, and bowed to him. After listening to the nature of dharma, he asked about his son's previous birth. The charana said, "Listen, O Vidyaadhara, with a focused mind. I will tell you." || 73-74 ||
In the eastern Videha region of Jambudvipa, there is a country called Vatsakavati. In it, there is a city called Prabhakari, ruled by a handsome king named Nandana. || 75 ||
He had a son named Vijayabhadra, born from his wife Jayasena. One day, Vijayabhadra saw a mango tree bearing fruit in a beautiful garden. Some days later, he saw the same tree without fruit. This sight caused him to develop dispassion, and he renounced the world, taking vows of restraint with four thousand kings under the guidance of his guru, Pihiitasrava. || 76-77 ||
At the end of his life, he attained the divine state of a seven-ocean lifespan in the Chakraka celestial chariot of the Mahendra heaven. There, he enjoyed divine pleasures for a long time. || 78 ||
From there, he was reborn as your son, and he will attain nirvana in this very life. I, the minister Shruta-sagara, went to the Siddhakoota Jinalaya to praise Vardharma, the charana muni, and heard all this. || 79 ||
Therefore, this daughter should be given to Vidyutprabha, who is endowed with all auspicious qualities. And we will accept his virtuous sister, Jyotirmaala, for the purpose of Arkkirti. || 80 ||
Hearing these words of Shruta-sagara, the wisest minister, Sumati, spoke, "Many Vidyaadhara kings desire this daughter. Therefore, it is not advisable to give her to Vidyutprabha, as it could lead to conflict with many kings. In my opinion, a swayamvara would be the best solution." Having said this, he fell silent. || 81-82 ||
Everyone agreed with this proposal. Therefore, the king of birds, Meghavahana, dismissed all the ministers and, with a heart filled with the words of the third minister, Shruta, who was known for his clear understanding, he began to speak these beautiful words: || 83 ||