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The Mahapurana, Uttara Purana, asks who will be the beloved of Swayamprabha. The one who knows the meaning of the Puranas answers: 84
The Guru, while explaining the first Purana, said that the first Chakravarti, the first Keshava, had a story related to him. 85
In this Jambudvipa, in the eastern Videha region, there is a country called Pushkalavati. Near its city of Pandarikini, in the Madhuka forest, lived a king of the Bhils named Pururava. 86
One day, while wandering lost, he saw the sage Sagaraseena and accumulated merit on the path. He renounced meat, alcohol, and honey and was born in the Saudharma heaven. 87
From there, he was born as the son of your wife Anantseena, named Marichi. He is devoted to giving false advice, so he will wander in this cycle of samsara for a long time. He will be the lord of the beautiful city of Podanapura, the son of the great king Prajapati, born from his queen Mrigavati. 89
Prajapati will have another son named Vijay, born from his queen Bhadra, who will be the elder brother of Triprutha. 90
These two brothers will be the lords of three regions, killing the enemy Ashvagriva in the tirtha of Shreyansanath. They will be the first Balabhadra Narayana. 91
Triprutha will wander in samsara and become the last Tirthankara. 92
You were born in the lineage of King Kachchha's son Namik, so you are related to Triprutha, who was born in the lineage of Bahubali. 93
This girl should be given to Triprutha, the lord of the three regions, the lord of Lakshmi and happiness. She will be his beloved, the one who steals his heart. 94
By giving this girl to Triprutha, you will become the lord of all the Vidyadharas. Therefore, you should be certain of this, as it was said by the first Tirthankara. 95
Thus, the king of Rathnupura, with joy, held the words of the one who knows the signs in his heart. He worshipped the one who knows the signs. 96
He sent a messenger named Indu, with excellent writing and gifts, to King Prajapati. 97
The king knew from the one who knows the signs, Jayagupta, that Triprutha would be the husband of Swayamprabha. Therefore, he received the messenger of the Vidyadhara king with great honor, as he descended from the sky, in the Pushpakarandaka forest. 98