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The Thirty-ninth Chapter
From the foot of the Himavat mountain to the Vaibhar and Gorath mountains, the victorious elephants of King Bharat roamed everywhere. [46]
The commander of Bharat's army, desiring to conquer all, roamed with his victorious army through the lands of Bang, Ang, Pund, Magadh, Malav, Kashi, and Koshal. [47]
With Bharat's consent, the commander also reached the lands of Kalind, Kalakut, the Kiratas, and the Mallas. [48]
The elephants of his army swam across the Sumagadhi, Ganga, Gomati, Kapeevati, and Revasi rivers, roaming everywhere. [49]
The elephants of his army, who were near the eastern direction, swam across the extremely deep Gambhira, Kalatoya, Kaushiki, Kalmahi, Tamra, Aruna, and Nidhura rivers, as well as the Lauhitya sea and the large lake called Kambhuk. [50-51]
The horses of King Bharat's victorious army, whose nostrils were quivering, who were very swift, and whose hooves had raised dust in all directions, roamed south of the Shon river, north of the Narmada river, on both sides of the Beeja river, and around the Mekhala river. [52-53]
Bharat's elephants drank from the Udumbari, Panasa, Tamasa, Pramasha, Shaktimati, and Yamuna rivers. [54]
The emperor's horses crossed the waters of the Pampa lake and conquered the land of Chedi, crossing the Chedi mountain. [55]
The victorious elephants of Bharat, who conquered all, crossed the Rishyamak mountain, reached the Kolahal mountain, and then went near the eastern part of the Malaya mountain. [56]
The soldiers of Bharat's army, playfully crossing the Nagapriya mountain, brought under their control the elephants born in the Chedi and Kaseru lands. [57]
The brave warriors of his army, riding horses, crossed the Kshatravati river, whose banks were dug up by wild elephants, and reached the Chitravati river. [58]