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Those who had no other refuge and who desired to end their suffering, many such kings took refuge in the shade of the tree of Bharata's feet, which gave them peace and coolness. ||18|| Just as the approaching summer destroys the leaves of trees and deprives them of their shade, so too, the approaching Bharata destroyed the chariots of many kings and deprived them of their splendor. Meaning - As soon as Bharata approached, many kings would flee, abandoning their chariots, and their faces would lose their radiance out of fear. ||19|| As soon as Maharaja Bharata approached, the enemies of the kings lost all their strength (heat in their side), their heavy breaths started to come, and they were troubled in their hearts, only their death remained. ||20|| The man who desired to be an enemy of Bharata was already destroyed, so it is right, because can a moth that desires to extinguish fire ever remain safe? Meaning - No. ||21|| Maharaja Bharata had taken away all the wealth of the enemies, including diamonds, pearls, and chariots, and thus he had clearly made the entire group of enemies, i.e., the enemies, wealthless. ||22|| The kings who bowed down to the Chakravarti, offering all their wealth themselves, although they were enemies before, later became very powerful officials. ||23|| The earth, which was previously terrified by Bharata's army, now became fearless by satisfying Bharata with its wealth. ||24|| Many kings born in noble families had given their ancestral wealth to Bharateshwar and regained their kingdoms, which is right, because the wealth that comes from the family tradition, i.e., Kulya, and the water that originates from the canal, i.e., Kulya, both are things that originate from the earth, and kings who desire to conquer. ||25|| The king under whose rule the subjects were suffering due to the burden of taxes,
1 Vaahn Nirnaash. Paksh Parna Vinaash. 2 Tejohaani. 3 Sameepasth. 4 Nirast Prabhav Prasara. Paksh Nirast Oshna Prasara. 5 Bharate. 6 Maran Kaal Prapt Purush Samanata iti Arth. 7 Vairemicchati. 8 Yo Naasmin I. (Na Puman Iti I. Tippani). 6 Kshapayitu micchu. 10 Aakrushya. 11 Swikurvan. 12 Na Viddyate Ra Dhanam Yesham 13 Adhik Shatrutvam iti Dhwani. 14 Sainya. Rij Gati Sthan Arjun Uparjanesh. 18 Sarit. 'Kulyalpa Kritima Sarit'. 19 Duhkita La.
Tani Ariini Tesham Bhava Tatvam, Nirdhanatvam iti Arth. 15 Nirast Bhiti. 16 Kulja. 17 Uparjayati Sm. 'Kuly Kulvadhu Sarit'. Athava Kritima Sarit. Tat Paksh 20 Yogya Dand Kari Purush Sthapyaamas.