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The forty-seventh chapter
The sword that was drawn from its sheath belonged to the one who resided in Vijayapur and was destined to be the future commander of the victorious Sri Pal Chakravarti. || 140 || The daughter of the king Varakirti, Kirtimati, was from Vijayapur. The knowers of the future had declared that her husband would be Sri Pal Chakravarti and that he would be recognized by his act of drawing the sword from its sheath. || 141 || The mute one was born in Shreyaspur and was destined to be the future priest. The king of Shreyaspur was Shiva Sen, a glorious king. He had a daughter named Vitashoka, whose eyes were like lotuses. The knowers of the future had declared that the one who would make this mute one speak would be her husband. || 142-143 || The one with the crooked finger was born in Shilppur and was destined to be the architect. The king of Shilppur was Narapati. He had a daughter named Rati Vimala. The knowers of the future had declared that the one whose sight would straighten her crooked finger would be her husband and they would be together for a long time. || 144-145 || The one who was making the diamond into ashes was destined to be the chief minister. He was born in Dhanayapur. The king of Dhanayapur was Vishal. He had a daughter named Vimala Sena. The knowers of the future had declared that the one whose arrival would turn the diamond into ashes would be the powerful Sri Pal, her husband. || 146-147 || Having learned of these pronouncements, everyone went to their respective cities. At that time, Sukhavati took the Kumar and began to travel through the sky. || 148 || While traveling, they encountered the enemy, Dhumvega. Seeing the Kumar, he made a terrifying sound and stood in the sky, blocking their path, threatening them with his sword and his chariot. || 149 || At that time, the deity who was the protector of Sri Pal, as previously mentioned, appeared in the form of a Vidyadhara and approached Sukhavati. || 150 ||