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The sixty-fourth chapter. Asked by Prabhavati, he [Hiranyavarma] described his own past life. The Muni, with a mind full of grace, spoke to them both. [16] In their third birth, they were born in the family of merchants in Mrinnalavati. They were Rativega and Sukanta. [170] Having obtained the relationship of husband and wife, they fled from the fear of their enemies. Having received the blessings of Shaktiṣeṇa, they became virtuous. [171] They were born as pigeons in the Dharma-jati. Their parents, who were Vaishyas in their previous birth, became their parents in this birth as well. [172] In their third birth, "We were together with your Guru. We took the Proṣadha vow for a long time in the presence of the Guru Ratiṣeṇa. [173] We always worshipped in the Jina temple with devotion, offering various offerings. We were the lords of the birds. [174] I was the father of Bhavadeva, named Rativarma. Now, I have become Śrīdharma, a pure-minded Vidya-dhara, having attained self-control. [175] I have attained the third stage of the Cārana, and I have attained knowledge." Hearing the words of the Muni, Hiranyavarma and Prabhavati were filled with joy. [176] Thus, their time passed happily. One day, Vayu-ratha, the father of Prabhavati, saw the perishable clouds and thought, "The whole world is perishable, yet people think it is permanent. Why is this darkness of ignorance spread everywhere?" [177-178] Having realized the truth, he renounced his kingdom and gave it to his son Manora-tha. He desired to become a Nirgrantha. [179] At that time, all of Vayu-ratha's relatives said, "Prabhavati, the daughter of Vayu-ratha, should be given to you, Rati-prabha." [180]