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Having said "Mahapuraanam", Amitamati also said, "Near the mountain Khagaacala, there lived two monks named Malaya Kaancana, like two Charanas. In the past, when Shaktisheena was residing in the forest near the serpent lake, they had come to your place for alms. They had said that you would have five sons and one daughter by the gesture of your fingers, and then they had left. Later, due to the five wonders like the rain of jewels, they had come to your house in this life too. But seeing the pigeons, they felt compassion and left the forest without taking alms. They are your father and your husband's guru. I have told you all this in sequence, as I heard it from their teachings."
Thus, the men who were engrossed in listening to the story told by Amitamati, began to contemplate the true nature of the world.
In this way, after some time, Priyadatta asked Yashawati and Gunawati, "Why did you both take this initiation? I am curious to know." Then, both of them clearly explained the reason for their initiation.
After that, Kubera Mitra's wife Dhanawati took initiation in the presence of Amitamati, the mistress of the Sangha. And Kuberaseena, the mother of those two Aryikas, also took initiation near her daughters.
One day, as if inspired by Yama Raja, those two pigeons went to another village to eat rice. There was a cat, who was bound by a previous birth enmity with Bhawadewa, the sinner. Seeing the pigeons, the feeling of sin arose in him, and he killed them both.
In the same Pushkalawati country, on the southern range of the Vijay mountain, there is a country called Gandhara, and in it, there is a city called Ushirwati.