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The forty-fourth chapter. Hearing all this, the wise one, whose intellect is in accordance with his karma, spoke to Bharati, as if clarifying the doubts of the foolish. "I agree that the Swayamvara is an ancient tradition in the marriage rituals. I also acknowledge that Akampan Maharaj is worthy of respect, being established by our ancestor, Lord Rishabhdev, and being the eldest in age. However, he is driven by his affection for Jayakumar and desires his advancement. He also wants to establish the auspiciousness of his daughter in the eyes of all. It was out of this desire to make himself a Chakravarti, arising from the gathering of all the kings, that this fool resorted to deceit. Akampan had already advised, 'This girl should be given to Jayakumar,' and following that advice, he had given her to Jayakumar from his heart. But to conceal this, he had this girl, who was already promised, falsely garland Jayakumar. If I ignore this deception, which was perpetrated by the high-born Akampan at the beginning of the Yuga, then it will never be rectified even at the end of the Kalpa. Even a Chakravarti cannot punish injustice out of anger, because when I act unjustly, they too punish me. Meaning, Chakravartis do not favor injustice, and I am rectifying injustice, so they will not be angry at my actions. This Jayakumar, having been adorned with the Veerapatta before, and now with the garland, is becoming very arrogant. Finding this opportunity, he has been initiating something or the other against me from the beginning. He is the enemy of all, so I will destroy him completely in battle and establish the unwavering love of all the kings in myself. Whether my army splits into two parts or not, what does it matter to me? My arrows will pierce Jayakumar's chest and bring back the garland. I do not want Sulochana either, because this envious Jayakumar, who is jealous of me, will soon be dead by my arrows. 'He who has attained the axe, has attained death, and is now in the state of the dead.' "