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The Great Purana should be seen with reverence, and one should always ask about what is beneficial and harmful. One should worship the best of the virtuous with great respect. ||13||
Thus, reflecting on this in his mind, King Bharata arose from his bed in the second part of the night. Having performed the morning rituals, ||14||
Then, after staying for a moment, surrounded by the great kings, the king of men was ready to go for worship and devotion. ||15||
He set out for worship, accompanied by a limited number of crowned kings, adorned with great splendor. ||16||
Then, he quickly went there, accompanied by his army, the emperor reached the destination where the world teacher was staying. ||17||
From afar, seeing the ground of the Jina's abode, the lord of treasures bowed his head, his hands joined in the form of a lotus bud. ||18||
He circumambulated that place, entered the inner part of the assembly ground, having crossed various enclosures. ||19||
Seeing the Manastambha, the great Chaitya tree, the Siddhartha tree, and the stupas adorned with offerings, he passed by them. ||20||
Seeing the four types of forest rows, the flags, and the Havali in their respective places, he crossed those enclosures. ||21||
In each enclosure, the mind of King Bharata was filled with joy, hearing the songs and dances of the celestial women, whose minds were captivated by the music. ||22||
Then, through the lofty gateway of the Gopura, he entered the assembly ground, adorned with a magnificent pavilion, where the Ganadharas were seated. ||23||
He ascended the first section of the three-tiered platform and circumambulated it, worshipping the Dharmachakras. ||24||