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Salutation to the Mahapurana. The words "Chetau" and "Chaturyantyavanusmritau" are to be remembered. Then, the word "Ganadharaya" is to be uttered with proper salutation. ||42||
From the word "Parashibhya", the word "Namo Namaha" is to be uttered. Then, to the "Anupamajataaya", the word "Namo Namaha" is to be uttered. ||43||
The word "Samyagdristi" with the ending case marker is to be uttered twice. Then, the word "Bhoopati" with the word "Nagaropapada" is to be uttered. ||44||
These two words are to be uttered twice by the learned ones. The remaining part of the mantra is to be uttered after that. ||45||
The words "Kalashramaga" are to be uttered twice, and then the word "Swaha" is to be uttered. After that, the desired mantras are to be uttered as before. ||46||
Commentary: "Satyajataaya Namaha", "Arhajataaya Namaha", "Nirgranthaaya Namaha", "Veetaraagaaya Namaha", "Mahavaartaaya Namaha", "Trigupaaya Namaha", "Mahayogaaya Namaha", "Vividyogaaya Namaha", "Vividhardhaye Namaha", "Angadharaya Namaha", "Purvadharaya Namaha", "Ganadharaya Namaha", "Paramarsibhyo Namo Namaha", "Anupamajataaya Namo Namaha", "Samyagdriste Samyagdriste Bhoopate Bhoopate Nagarapate Nagarapate Kalashraman Kalashraman Swaha", "Sevafalm Shatparamasthanam Bhavatu", "Apamrityuvinashanam Bhavatu", "Samadhiranam Bhavatu".
(This Muni mantra is declared by the Muni's who have seen the truth. I will now speak the Surendra mantra as the Arsha Shruti has said. ||47||
First, the word "Satyajataaya Swaha" is to be uttered. Then, the word "Arhajataaya Swaha" is to be uttered. ||48||
"Dharrdhaye Namaha" (Salutation to the one who holds many riches) should be uttered. Similarly, the words "Angadharaya Namaha" (Salutation to the one who knows the body) and "Purvadharaya Namaha" (Salutation to the one who knows the past) should be uttered. Then, the word "Ganadharaya Namaha" (Salutation to the one who holds the Ganavar) should be uttered. ||41-42||
Then, the word "Namo Namaha" should be uttered after the word "Paramarsibhya". This means, "Paramarsibhyo Namo Namaha" (Salutation to the great sages) should be uttered. After that, the word "Anupamajataaya Namo Namaha" (Salutation to the one who has taken birth without comparison) should be uttered. ||43||
Then, the word "Samyagdristi" with the ending case marker should be uttered twice at the end. Similarly, the words "Bhoopati" and "Nagarapati" with the ending case marker should be uttered twice by the learned ones.
The remaining part of the mantra which is to be uttered later should also be uttered. The word "Kalashraman" should be uttered twice with the ending case marker, and then the word "Swaha" should be uttered. After that, the desired