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## Forty-first Chapter
**For the worship of Akshata, one should recite the mantra "Akshataya Namah" (Salutations to the Akshata).** (Akshataya Namah)
**For the worship of Dhup, one should recite the mantra "Shruthadhupaya Namah" (Salutations to the Shruthadhupa).** (Shruthadhupaya Namah)
**For the worship of the lamp, one should recite the mantra "Jnanodyotaya Namah" (Salutations to the Jnanodyota).** (Jnanodyotaya Namah)
**For the offering of Amrita, one should recite the mantra "Param Siddhaya Namah" (Salutations to the Param Siddha).** (Param Siddhaya Namah)
**After performing the ritualistic consecration with these mantras, the learned Brahmanas should recite the Peethika mantra.**
**The Peethika mantra is as follows:**
**First, one should recite the word "Satyajata" which ends with the fourth case ending and has the word "Namah" attached to it.** (Satyajataaya Namah - Salutations to the one born of Truth)
**Then, one should recite the word "Arhajata" which ends with the fourth case ending and has the word "Namah" attached to it.** (Arhajataaya Namah - Salutations to the one born of praiseworthy qualities)
**Then, one should recite "Paramjataaya Namah" (Salutations to the one born of supreme qualities).**
**Then, one should recite "Anupamajataaya Namah" (Salutations to the one born without equal).**
**Then, one should recite "Swapradhanaaya Namah" (Salutations to the one who is the master of himself).**
**Then, one should recite "Achalaaya Namah" (Salutations to the one who is unshakeable).**
**Then, one should recite "Akshayaaya Namah" (Salutations to the one who is imperishable).**
**Then, one should recite "Avyabadhaaya Namah" (Salutations to the one who is free from obstacles).**
**Then, one should recite "Anantjnanaya Namah" (Salutations to the one who possesses infinite knowledge).**
**Then, one should recite "Anantdarshanaya Namah" (Salutations to the one who possesses infinite vision).**
**Then, one should recite "Anantveeryaya Namah" (Salutations to the one who possesses infinite power).**
**Then, one should recite "Anantsukhaya Namah" (Salutations to the one who possesses infinite bliss).**
**Then, one should recite "Neerajase" (Salutations to the one who is like a lotus).**
**Then, one should recite "Nirmalaachhedya" (Salutations to the one who is pure and cannot be cut).**
**Then, one should recite "Abhedyaajarashruti" (Salutations to the one who is indivisible and has infinite hearing).**
**Namah (Salutations to the Jineendra Bhagavan who is free from the impurities of karma).**
**1. For the worship of Dhup.**
**2. For the offering of Charu.**
**3. After that.**
**4. Ending with the fourth case ending.**
**5. Namah is attached to it.**
**6. Word.**