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## Translation:
The **Mahapuraana** states that the **Upaneeti** ritual is performed by those who have attained purity. It is a ritual that marks the beginning of a Jain's journey towards spiritual liberation.
**53.** The **Upaneeti** ritual involves the observance of proper conduct, dress, and timing.
**54.** It is performed in the presence of a deity and a guru, and involves adhering to the following:
* **Vesh** (Dress): Wearing white clothes and the **Yajnopaveeta** (sacred thread).
* **Vritt** (Conduct): Following the six **Arya** principles (non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, chastity, non-attachment, and non-possession).
* **Samaya** (Timing): Receiving initiation as a Jain devotee and adopting a new name based on one's lineage and caste.
**55-56.** This is the ninth ritual, known as **Upaneeti**.
**57.** After the **Upaneeti** ritual, the individual, now adorned with the **Yajnopaveeta**, should engage in the **Vratacharya** ritual. This involves studying the scriptures and practicing the principles of Jainism. This is the tenth ritual, known as **Vratacharya**.
**58.** Once the individual has completed their studies, they should perform the **Vrataavtarana** ritual in the presence of their guru. This involves receiving blessings and accepting new responsibilities. This is the eleventh ritual, known as **Vrataavtarana**.
**59.** When a Jain devotee wishes to marry, they should perform the **Vivah** ritual. This involves the bride receiving initiation as a Jain devotee and being deemed worthy of a virtuous life. This is the twelfth ritual, known as **Vivah**.
**60.** If a Jain devotee wishes to remarry, they should perform the **Punarvivah** ritual. This involves worshipping the **Siddhas** (liberated souls) and following the same procedures as the initial **Vivah** ritual. This is the thirteenth ritual, known as **Punarvivah**.
**52.** The act of wearing a **Pratima** (image of a deity) at night, after fasting, is known as **Upayogita**. This is the eighth ritual, known as **Upayogita**.
**Note:** The text mentions the **Yajnopaveeta** as a symbol of purity and commitment to Jainism. It is a sacred thread worn by Jain monks and lay devotees.
**Note:** The text also mentions the **Arya** principles, which are the six fundamental principles of Jainism. These principles guide Jain devotees in their daily lives and help them to achieve spiritual liberation.