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## The Thirty-Sixth Chapter
217. The Vidyadharis, sometimes arriving for the sake of play, removed the creepers that had entangled the Muni's entire body. ||18||
Thus, having attained the strength of meditation, born of the power of his austerities, the Muni, becoming pure in his Leshya, turned towards the white meditation. ||184||
Having completed a year of fasting, Bharateshwar, the king, worshipped him. The great Muni, Bahubali, attained the supreme light, the imperishable, known as Kevala. ||185||
"Bharateshwar has been afflicted by me," this thought remained in the heart of Bahubali, therefore, Kevala-knowledge desired the worship of Bharata. ||186||
With a mind filled with joy, Bharateshwar, the king, performed the worship of the Muni, according to the rules, both before and after the rise of the sun of Kevala-knowledge. ||187||
The worship performed by Bharateshwar before the birth of Kevala-knowledge was for the purpose of removing his own guilt, and the great worship performed afterwards was to experience the birth of Kevala-knowledge. ||188||
Who can describe the great worship performed by Bharateshwar for his younger brother, Bahubali, who had attained the knowledge of Kevala? ||189||
Firstly, Bahubali was the younger brother of Bharata, secondly, Bharata had great love for Dharma, thirdly, they both had a connection from many previous births, and fourthly, there was immense love between them. Each of these four factors is a cause for the increase of devotion. If all these factors come together, what good deed can they not accomplish? ||190-191||
Bharateshwar, the king, along with his ministers,